Hyru Day 25 In the Kin Shi Tal's new base many of the members were getting nervous since nobody else had come to the base. There were only about 20 of them, not nearly enough to even consider fighting the Kinshou army. They were all discussing the situation when the room suddenly grew dark. It seemed to be growing night at first but then even the candles on the walls no longer cast any light. When the darkness lifted, all the Kin Shi Tal soldiers that were previously trapped by the Kinshou army were there among the rest of the soldiers at the base along with several members of the Shadow, including Panther. The Kin Shi Tal soldiers all drew their weapons at the site of one of their enemies. The Shadow responded by raising their hands in the air as a sign of peace. Panther stepped forward and spoke, "Please lower your weapons. If you just listen you will come to understand what has just happened and why we are here." The Kin Shi Tal lowered their weapons but kept their vigilance just in case. Panther spoke again, "We are the ones that transported your soldiers outside the base to safety." One of the members of the Kin Shi Tal that the Shadow had saved stepped toward Panther, "My name is Covu. Why did you help us?" "We saw that you were in danger of being massacred by the Kinshou army and decided to help," replied Panther. "But why help us? We have been in danger before but you didn't help us then. You have always been our enemy. We have reason to mistrust your words," Covu said. "It is true we have been enemies in the past but several larger problems then our trivial fights have come into being because of the Kinshou army. We have both suffered great lose of friends and clansmen alike because of the army. They seem almost unstoppable, even to our powers. They not only threaten us but also all of Monic. Conquest is indeed what they are after and at the rate they are going, Anihc will be a lost continent with all our clans vanquished in the process." Covu nodded and responded to Panther, "I believe all of us have seen or heard of how the Kinshou army wipes out all that stands in their path and suffer little at any opposition to them. Nothing seems to stop them and our numbers shrink as they obtain more and more of our lands. What is it you propose Panther?" "I think the only way we can defeat this threat is to join forces. Both our clans have been reduced in numbers, so we would both benefit from uniting and the pooling of our talents also might help us stand a chance. I suggest we sign a treaty of non-aggression and alliance so that a way can be found to destroy the Kinshou army." "I agree. Our leader Kinshiro had a similar idea. I think I speak for all the Kin Shi Tal members here when we say that we want to do what Kinshiro would order us to do. It only seems like the wise thing to ally with you. All members in agreement raise your hands." All the Kin Shi Tal members raised their hands. "All opposed?" Nobody's hand could be seen. "Then it is agreed. We will sign the treaty and then formulate our plan to eliminate the black army," Panther said. Meanwhile at the Twin Moons base it was bustling with activity. Everybody was talking about the Kinshou Army and either making plans to defend themselves or train for the coming battle. The leaders of the Twin Moons, Zena and Zana, were not however participating in their clan's activities. They both stood at a window on the top floor of the tall tower overlooking the whole base. Zena glanced to the right and Zana looked to the left then their gazes crossed paths and locked. Zena spoke first, "It appears everybody expects to fight." "Yes it does sister. There must be a better way though," Zana replied. "Indeed. Maybe we can get out of this through discussion rather than fighting. And besides which the Kinshou Army isn't our biggest threat," Zena said. "Yes. With all the destruction the Kinshou Army has been doing everybody seems to have forgotten about Hyru. He is the real threat," Zana. Zena nodded and said, "Hyru is truly evil and cannot be reasoned with. He also has the Stone of Goth, which is a much bigger threat than an unstoppable army. I feel we must go to where the Kinshou Army came from and see if there is someone controlling them from there." "It only seems likely that they would have another leader coordinating the attacks without being on the front lines. We should get them to stop their attack and instead help us to destroy Hyru," Zana. "After that the Kinshou army might leave us alone for helping them or even ally with us." "Either could be true but at any rate one of us should leave immediately," Zena. "I will go sister. You remain here and hold the troops together. A fight may yet happen," Zana. Zena, "Very well sister. Good bye." Zena waved goodbye as Zana leapt out the window and glided smoothly down the side of the tower until she reached the bottom and landed with all the grace of a leaf falling from a tree. Zana then gathered some supplies at a nearby storeroom and finally took off into the woods, towards Prison number 1.