In the Shadow’s clan meeting room all the members were gathered. They were all talking to each other for they were confused as to why Panther would be calling a meeting that required all of the Shadow to be there. As Panther approached the front of the room everybody suddenly became quiet, no sound could be heard except Panther's footsteps on the stone floor. When Panther reached the front he stood for a minute to compose himself and then began talking. "Shadow members. I have gathered you all to tell you of a great evil that has once again shown itself. It may seem to some of you not of the clan’s concern especially with mention of the Omni Gem. But it is indeed of Shadow concern for it is our fault this evil was created and therefor our responsibility to see that it is destroyed," Panther said. He then continued on after a second or two. "Some of you may remember Hyru. He came to this clan about twenty years ago. Hyru was a very undisciplined and unpleasant man, but he was willing to learn. So we the Shadow clan took him in and taught him our ways. He became quit a skilled warrior after years of training and learning. Over time though he kept wanting to learn more and his hunger for power grew," Panther paused for a minute because it seemed that he suddenly became agitated in going on. "I told Hyru to be satisfied with his power but he wanted more and would not let me stand in his way. He stole the secrets of the Shadow and abused the powers. He even took the power of the TIZANS!!," Panther said at last. The members suddenly began talking wildly to each other for they knew what the Tizan’s were and knew they were forbidden. "The Shadow ruled to banish Hyru from the clan and from the state of Kinshou, telling him never to return. Hyru over time has gained more power and has disobeyed the ruling and returned but not alone. He has gathered up other followers from different clans and people from around the world. He has formed his own clan and intends to take over the world!! He will begin by destroying the Shadow first and then anyone else who stands in his way. The Shadow’s course is clear. We must find Hyru and kill him. First we need information on where he is hiding," Panther said. Panther pointed to two Shadow warriors and told them to go collect all the information they could on Hyru and then return back to base. Pressure was mounting and time was against the Shadow. Hopefully no new problems would impede their progress.