Hyru Day 26 Zena had made good time all through Day 25. She used every shortcut she knew to get to Prison number 1 as fast as possible and had bought a tame delant to ride. Zena didn't want to waste a second for fear of the same thing that had happened to the Shadow would happen to her clan. It was nearing noon when she reached the large building known to everybody as Prison number 1. Being the first prison ever built in Monic it was both a strange and menacing site all at the same time. The building stood as a testament to what the Kinshou Army and its people stood for, order. Order to Monic was something nobody wanted to see except maybe the Kin Shi Tal but even they didn't like what the Kinshou people were doing. As Zena approached she noticed two guards posted at the front door that had black suits of armor on and they also had swords at their sides that glowed with a strange blue light. Zena, never having seen a Kinshou knight, now understood what everybody was talking about when they described the Kinshou Army. Zena gathered up some courage and walked towards the entrance, almost expecting a battle, but strangely enough the guards looked startled and quickly kneeled to the ground. She was puzzled but didn't question their actions and instead continued walking forward. The knights remained on the ground and one of them spoke, "Oh supreme and powerful Empress. You honor us with your presence! But why do you travel alone? OH! I am sorry I questioned you. Please do with me as you wish..." Zena regarded this display as her chance to get inside so she decided to play the role he had placed upon her. "Don't worry about the question. I am here on important business," she said in a leaders voice (after all she is a leader). The knight glanced up, "Thank you Beloved. You are probably here to see how things are progressing. Signus is up at the main office. I will order someone to escort you there." Zena nodded and said, "Very good soldier." Zena then raised her hand and the knights rose finally and one of them called inside for an escort immediately. This knight was surprised as well at seeing Zena but complied swiftly and showed her to the main office where Signus was looking out a window. The knight leading her, walked ahead of Zena and when she reached the office door he opened it for her and announced her in a loud voice. "The majestic and great Empress, the Beloved is here to speak with you General." Signus turned around in a flash, jumped a little at the site of Zena, and then flew to the ground with great speed to get down on two knees at her feet. Signus looked up and motioned for the guard to leave and he did so closing the door behind himself. "Glorious Empress. You give us great joy at your visit. You are truly a magnificent ruler. What will you have of your most humble servant?" Signus said in a voice all too weak. Zena motioned for him to rise. "I am sorry to tell you this but it is not in my nature to lie. But I did need to gain entrance and talk with you," Zena said. "What do you mean Beloved?" Signus asked. "I am not the Beloved of which you speak. I am Zena leader of the Twin Moons clan," Zena said after taking a deep breath. "What? That isn't possible. You look just like her. You even sound like her....except you are dressed with less clothes than her," Signus remarked. "Well I don't know how or why I look like her. All I know is that the only other person that looks like me is my twin sister, Zana," Zena. "By the creator! I know who you are! You are one of the lost sisters of the Beloved. She recalled having two sisters. Yes, born to one mother as triplets. She has been looking for you forever! There can be no mistake! You have features no other woman in the world has except the Beloved. Please let me take you home!" Zena was overcome with emotions and thoughts at Signus's story. Could it be true? If so then she had another sister and Anihc wasn't even her homeland. Zena shook her head. No it didn't matter if she wasn't originally from Anihc. She grew up here, made a life here, even became leader of the great Twin Moons clan. She truly was home and right now her home and her people needed her. "Well be that as it may I cannot leave. This has become my home and you are destroying it! I have come to either make peace or to kill you," Zena said forcefully. "I see. You may well be the sister of the Beloved but I cannot stop the attack. I have orders from the Beloved," Signus said. "I understand that but are you so blind you don't even see the real enemy? You may be powerful and confident about yourself but you don't even know of the true power on Anihc." "True power? What power? We have crushed the Shadow and the Kin Shi Tal. My sources say we will soon crush the Sword's Edge as they are the next most powerful clan. Obviously you overestimate your people of Anihc and underestimate us," Signus said. "You fool! Your overconfidence is going to kill us and then yourselves! By destroying us you will be handing Monic over to him on a silver platter! Joining with us against him is the only way to win. Otherwise my coming here was just a waste of time." "You speak with conviction but they are only words. How can one man be this powerful against a whole army? What clan is he apart of? The Shadow, Kin Shi Tal, your clan, Spyre, or the Den of Souls? By our estimates nobody in these clans can defeat us. Maybe reduce our numbers some but they won't even come close to being a true obstacle. What is this man's name?" Signus asked. Zena spoke in a low tone, "Hyru. A man with no clan but much power. Not only does he have the Scroll of Sangora and the Stone of Goth but my spies tell me he intends to get the Omni Gem as well. Hyru has put a plan in motion that he thinks will make him the god of all Monic. It is possible with the Stone of Goth." "Hmm... Hyru. As I recall we only found out that he was a man banished from the Shadow and just recently emerged as a rogue outlaw. According to our sources and some of your people he has not even done much. The threat he poses is nothing more than the threat of a small flame against a mighty wave of water. And the items of which you speak can't truly be that great. Our elemental Feric Armor and enchanted Swords of Mire are more than enough for any problem. You HAVE heard of how easily we kill anything in our way?" "As I said before your overconfidence will kill you. No matter how powerful you think you are, Hyru is 100 times more powerful. The Stone of Goth grants him Omniscience and the Scroll of Sangora teaches a fighting art which nobody can rival, giving him the power of 100 men. And the Omni Gem which Hyru plans to soon possess will bestow him with Omnipotence, the power of a god! You would do well to listen to me," Zena said at last. "You may be right but what proof do you bring me?" Signus said. "I have no proof except words and the bodies of dead comrades that risked their lives to bring me this information. I suggest that you simply stop your conquest of Ahinc, join with my clan, and together we storm Hyru's base. You have nothing to lose and everything to gain. You said it yourself nobody here on Anihc is going to be a real obstacle. Nothing would change if you simply postpone your war. Right?" Signus rubbed his chin thoughtfully for a minute and paced back and fourth. After which he stopped in front of her and said, "Very well. I will call the troops to regroup near Hyru's base and join with your clan. But only on one condition." "Name it," Zena said. "You and your sister return home with me and live with your other sister the Beloved in your true homeland of Kinshou. You will also get your clan to join with us in finishing the take over of Anihc. What do you say?" Zena realized it was what she and Zana wanted although a bit different and it meant hurting Anihc. But the threat of Hyru was to horrific to be ignored and the wishes of one person was outweighed by the needs of the people of Monic. "I agree to those terms and being the leader of the Twin Moons I speak on my clan's behalf and my sister's, when I say they will also agree," Zena said. "Very good then. It is done." Signus called to a messenger to send new orders to Legion 1 of the Kinshou Army. The messenger took the orders in the form of a note and tied it to a strange bird's leg which took off like a shot speeding towards the Kinshou Army. Zena watched the bird fly off and thought, "I just hope we aren't too late to stop Hyru..." Signus turned to Zena, "I suggest you also relay orders to your clan so that they get to Hyru's base more swiftly. Please use one of our birds of Inog. They fly extremely fast and have a great sense of smell. If you give them a note and a sent, they will fly to wherever the sent is the strongest, ignoring where they just came from. Do you have such a thing?" Zena thought for a moment then wrote out some words on a note, put it on the bird, and let it smell her sword. She knew the Twin Moons used a certain kind of metal to make their weapons only found in the area around their base. The bird responded to the odor and took off in a flash. Signus said, "I suggest that we journey immediately to our destination so that we can meet our troops." "I agree. I will ride my delant. How shall you travel?" Zena asked. "I will march with my men from this base. You will find we need no animals to ride. My people are proportionally stronger and have higher endurance than your people," Signus said. "Why is that?" Zena inquired. "I am not sure of the exact reason but it has to do with the area we live in. Let us be off," Signus said leaving the room. Zena followed Signus out of the building. She decided not to wait for him and jumped on her delant then rode ahead to Hyru's base. Signus was organizing a small band of troops to go with him. The rest of his men stayed behind to watch the prison. The 10 men and Signus marched out to the Northeast, in the direction that would take them to Hyru's base.