Hyru Day 27 Hyru was sitting on his throne at the back of his main chamber. Since the day he had gotten the Sangora Scroll he had been trying to learn the death art. Hyru had been using Sorrow's powers in conjunction with the Stone of Goth to help him learn it in a short period of time. So up until day 27 he had done nothing but study the scroll and train using the Sangora art. Several dead bodies of his followers lay on the ground all over his chambers. Hyru had called them in over the last couple of days to practice his newfound moves and perfect his skill. Finally he had succeeded in learning at least half of the abilities and powers contained on the scroll. It had been a very tiring process that left Hyru drained but after perfecting the techniques he had studied, no man, woman, or animal was a match for him. Nobody, no matter how strong or skilled could defeat him. This he did in preparation to get the Omni Gem and for his position as ruler of all Monic. To this end Hyru wanted to be feared as a ruler to help control the people of Monic but also he wanted to be respected as a powerful warrior that no one could fight and win. Hyru put the scroll away in a leather case that protected it and then put the case inside his shirt. He looked up at the sun's position out his window and said, "It is almost time. He should be here soon." As if Hyru had willed it, his base could be felt shaking and one of his men came running into the room. "Hyru! A man of enormous size calling himself Citange is crashing his way through the base and killing all the guards!" Hyru, not turning away from the window, said in a normal voice, "Yes I know. I have been expecting him. Tell the guards to keep out of his way and let him come to me." Hyru's follower was stunned at his answer but obeyed Hyru regardless. Hyru turned and walked to his throne after the man had left the room. He sat down on the throne and watched as his door was smashed open and the man named Citange shambled in. "I am Citange. You have something I want. Stand in my way and you will die." "I know who you are. I am the one that made it possible for you to escape and willed you here," Hyru said not standing up. "What? That's a good one. Another man called Elarian made a similar joke. He did have SOME evidence to back it up. What have you got besides a death wish?" Citange said in an evil tone. "I don't need evidence. I have information and my own knowledge. And you may want something from me but I brought you here so that I could get your necklace," Hyru said. "This necklace is mine. I found it and I used it to escape my prison. That is all that happened. You did nothing to help me and you will do nothing to stop me. Now give me the Stone of Goth, I know it is here or else the necklace would have told me otherwise." "You must have patience my friend. Obviously you don't know how I brought you here so I will tell you, lest you go on being ignorant. I knew that the world needed me to be their god, so I decided to make it a reality and become the true god of Monic. I soon realized to do that I needed several things: The Omni Gem, the Stone of Goth, and the Scroll of Sangora. First I obtained the Stone of Goth. With it I constructed a plan to find and get the other two items. After receiving the Sangora Scroll, I waited until the rest of my plan came to be and I will soon have the Omni Gem," Hyru announced. "So. What does that have to do with me?" Citange said bored. "You are too weak minded and idiotic to understand or comprehend what I have done. All the events I set in motion will soon come down to the moment when I get the Omni Gem. But to enlighten ignorant fools, I will explain what small part you play in my master plan. First of all I found out that the Omni Gem was stuck in your realm of nothingness. To get there and find the Omni Gem I needed a certain necklace that the false god Angestal had. So I led Angestal to believe that he needed to get a soul from a certain member in each clan to escape Ange. You were the soul he needed from the Hurricane's eye. So he transported the necklace to the realm near you, you found the necklace and used it to escape, found your way here, and now I will kill you to get the necklace and complete this part of my plan." "Sounds like doing a lot of nothing just to accomplish one thing. And besides which, what makes you think I am going to give you this necklace?" Citange said walking towards Hyru, "And even if you could get the necklace, I don't see how you expect to get to the realm. This necklace only locates different sources of power, it doesn't invoke magical spells." Hyru stood up, "That is where my other pawns come into play. I knew that to get to the realm I needed the original magic scroll that was used to cast the spell on your people. I found out it was at the Great Sentients library. Knowing that they would never let me have it and also that they would quickly destroy it if I tried to steal it, I got someone else to get it for me. This man will use the scroll a few moments from now. When he does I will use my knowledge and power to open another portal here so that I may enter the realm. After which I will use the necklace to find the Omni Gem and then locate the exit as you did." Citange got right up to Hyru's face, "I see. You little plan is almost full proof. Except I don't see how you will defeat me in such a short amount of time." Hyru placed a hand on Citange's chest and said, "Oh...I have plenty of time." Suddenly Hyru straightened out his hand and struck Citange lightly on the chest. Citange went spinning across the room and crashed through the wall. Citange finally came to a stop outside of Hyru's room and looked up through the hole he had made, seeing Hyru at the back of the room laughing at him. Citange flipped up and ran back towards Hyru. Hyru stood his ground and waited for Citange to reach him. Citange swung his fist at Hyru but he quickly ducked and then grabbed Citange's wrist in a strange hand lock. Citange fell to his knees and cried out in pain. Hyru, still holding Citange's wrist, smiled and then with one kick sent Citange flying though the air and breaking through the ceiling, up several floors until he went through the roof and then came back down to land on the stone chimney. Citange held his back in pain and struggled to his feet. "What manner of man can do this to Citange? I am invincible!" Citange yelled in anger. "A man with the power of Sangora. You won't even be a challenge to me. I suggest you use all the power at your disposal to try and defeat me," Hyru said as a startled Citange turned to see Hyru standing on the roof behind him. "You will regret hitting me. Now watch your coming doom," Citange said. Citange then spread out his stance and proceeded to use his adrenaline rush technique. Citange tripled in size and his muscles bulged to the point where Citange could barely stand it, and then he shot a glance at Hyru. Hyru, apathetic about the whole situation, smiled and waited for the attack. Citange indulged Hyru and ran at him getting ready grab Hyru. But just before Citange got to him, Hyru leaped up high enough to be level with Citange's head. Hyru pulled back his leg, muttered some words, and then swung his leg around ending with an impact to the left side of Citange's head. Citange stood his ground absorbing the kick but after a second the blow unexpectedly knocked him to the side and he skidded until he almost fell off the edge of the roof. Citange saved himself by catching onto the ledge just in time before he cascaded off of the 10-story building. Citange shook the pain off and started to pull himself up. He was stopped as Hyru stomped hard on Citange's hand. Citange growled at Hyru but he just ignored him. Hyru then bent over, brought his fist back, and struck the ledge where Citange was dangling. The ledge broke into many pieces and Citange fell to the ground. Citange tried desperately to slow his fall, but his extra weight dragged him down faster. When Citange hit the ground, he was imbedded deep within the earth and a large crater was created as a result. Citange felt lightheaded and did not get up for a minute. Hyru stood at the top of his base looking down at the hole Citange had made and then, without a thought, jumped off the roof and landed next to Citange. Hyru easily came to a stop on the ground and said, "Are you going to lay in your grave already or shall we finish our fight? I am on a tight schedule." Citange gritted his teeth and pulled himself out with his mighty arms. Hyru quickly clamped onto one of Citange's arms and said, "Here let me help you." Hyru then swiftly tossed Citange over his head into a tree. The tree fell over and Citange finally got up after losing his balance twice. "This fight isn't over. I have yet to show you my true power," Citange bellowed. Hyru looked up at the sun, not listening to Citange, and replied, "That is all very well and good but I don't have time to see your 'true power' so I am going to end this now." Hyru walked over to Citange, stopped in front of him, and then folded his hands together in deep concentration. Citange wondered what Hyru was doing but before he could ask, Hyru shot out a hand that hit Citange at a certain spot on his throat. After finishing, Hyru ripped off the necklace Citange had on and then he walked away. Citange said, "Where the Ange do you think your going? We aren't done yet! If you think that little poke to my throat did anything you are much stupider than you look!" Citange chased after Hyru but stopped and gasped for breath. Citange fell to his knees, held his throat with one hand, and reached out towards Hyru with the other. He began convulsing in a disturbing display of a man struggling for oxygen. Citange spat up some blood in his final shake and then crumpled to the ground. His body remained motionless, empty of life while Hyru went into his base to finish his plan. Hyru stood in the middle of his chambers staring at the green jeweled necklace. "My time is coming. I shall be a god soon and the ruler of all Monic. Time and events are such trivial things to control when I have the Stone of Goth. I could destroy Monic and remake it anyway I want if I wished. And soon time will become limitless when I get the Omni Gem. I will use it to gain immortality and my empire will last forever! HA HA HA!" Hyru shouted out in excitement. Hyru abruptly stopped his gaze and said, "I felt it. He is using the scroll now and being pulled into the portal. I will now use my powers and draw from that portal to make one here." Hyru moved his hands around in a circle using his powers to create a bright light in the air. It started small at first but then it slowly grew larger. It swirled and flashed with greens and yellows. "I almost have it." Hyru continued concentrating and applying his powers until the portal was large enough for him to pass through. Hyru then hastily threw his body into the portal, which closed behind him with blinding speed. Hyru appeared in the realm of nothingness after being thrown back and forth in a tunnel that led to the realm. He fell to the ground, or at least what passed as ground in the realm, and flipped to his feet. Hyru held up his necklace and turned in a circle, using it to survey the surrounding area. The necklace shone a light to the right of where he was standing. "That can't be the Omni Gem. It isn't bright enough," Hyru said as he continued searching. He then pointed the necklace downward and the necklace instantly gave off a light so bright he had to shield his eyes. "Yes. That is it." Hyru leapt off of the object he was on and started to fall downward toward what he sensed was the Omni Gem...