Hyru Day 27 Hyru had been falling in the nothingness dimension for some time now. To slow his fall, Hyru used his newfound skills he learned from Sangora to locate some of the platforms that floated around in the dimension. Otherwise he might not have been able to land on them safely. After landing on one particular platform and using the necklace to scan again, it showed the Omni Gem to be directly ahead of him. Hyru followed the necklace's signal and walked forward on the platform toward where he hoped the Omni Gem would be. Sure enough, he started to see a small rock floating in the air in front of him. He reached the rock and took a second to look in awe at its beauty and power. The Omni Gem was about the size of a man's fist, dark green at the center, crystalline in shape, that seemed to change color on the outside depending on what angle you looked at it and it gave off an eerie spectrum of light. Hyru put the necklace under his shirt because it had begun to blind him. Just being in the presence of the Omni Gem was almost enough to shatter the necklace with its potential magnitude of power. It just all depended on how a person used it and who wielded the Omni Gem. Hyru reached out and grabbed the Omni Gem out of the air. It gave off a loud, shriek when he held it in his hand. The Omni Gem ceased after a second; apparently recognizing the fact it had a new master. Hyru held it up and yelled with triumph. "It is finally mine! It feels like I have the world in the palm of my hand to bend to my will anyway I choose. Nothing can stop me now and soon when I combine it with the Stone of Goth I will be god! The only god of Monic! My rule will be eternal! And now that I have what I came for I must find the exit." Hyru put the Omni Gem away in his shirt next to the Sangora Scroll. He then pulled out the necklace and hoped it could function if the Omni Gem was stored away. The necklace still glowed brightly from being near to the Omni Gem but Hyru found if he concentrated hard enough and held the necklace as far from the Omni Gem as possible, it could still be used to locate the exit. Hyru remembered back to when he first came to the dimension and recalled that there was a small light to the right that could have been the exit. If it was the exit then had to go up and then to the right to get out. Hyru proceeded by jumping up onto each platform until he had reached the position he thought he had entered in. After a second he thought, "What am I doing? I have the Omni Gem! I could just fly to the exit or even make an exit of my own! Just watch!" Hyru pulled out the Omni Gem and attempted to use it to make an exit. Nothing happened. He then tried to make himself fly. Still nothing. "What is wrong with this thing? Why doesn't it work!? It isn't a fake. It has to be the Omni Gem! Wait a minute... I know what's wrong. This dimension is bereft of any power or anything at all. I remember using the Stone of Goth to find out some information on it. I also recall that no time passes for the people within the dimension. That is how Citange was able to survive all that time without dying. Apparently this place cancels any hunger or aging. Truly an eternal prison of damnation. I won't be staying however. I can still find the exit with the necklace," Hyru said. He then put back the Omni Gem in his shirt and returned to following his necklace to the exit. Meanwhile elsewhere in the dimension, Esimed had been looking around at his new surroundings and heard a loud noise echo close to where he was. He traveled toward where he thought it originated and now saw a bright light in the distance. "What is that thing? Maybe it is a way out! Well it may not be since it is moving around. It could be someone or something...but looking for it is better then just staying in one place. Finding something in this place is better then nothing," Esimed said then set his sites on the light and followed it. Back in the world of Monic, the Twin Moons and the Kinshou army had both made it to just outside of Hyru's base. Zena and Zana were both present along with Signus in the lead of the Kinshou troops. Zena had discussed the agreement with Signus to Zana who reluctantly agreed with her. Zana was still a little agitated with her sister's decision but went along with it anyway so that Hyru could finally be killed. The guards outside the base and inside offered little resistance to the combined forces of the Twin Moons and Kinshou army. After storming the base and finding the main chamber of Hyru, Zena and Zana walked in to confront Hyru. It wasn't as difficult to get in as Zena had thought since the door to Hyru's room had been bashed in and there was also a large hole next to the entranceway. Zena and Zana both looked around the room and saw nobody in there except several dead bodies. Zena assumed they were Hyru's followers but didn't know why they were here. Zena, "It looks as though there was a battle even before we got here. I saw Citange outside with his throat collapsed and now we find the inside of the base partially destroyed with many of Hyru's men dead." "I see what you mean Zena. I just can't believe that anybody would have been able to kill Citange let alone collapse his throat. And where is Hyru?" Zana said. "I don't know but look what is at the center of his room!" Zena exclaimed. Zana looked and saw the Stone of Goth in the center of the room. Wherever Hyru had gone he had left it behind. "Hyru is a bigger fool than I thought! Or maybe he was too confident about getting the Omni Gem and when he went to find it, he felt he didn't need the Stone of Goth. But that gives us an advantage," Zana said. "Yes it does sister. We can take the Stone of Goth and we can rule the world! Our dream of a female dominated society can be realized after we kill Hyru and all other opposition," Zena said. "No sister. It cannot be. Don't you remember the Acabodera wars? It nearly destroyed Monic and everyone on it, all because of the Stone of Goth and the Omni Gem. And besides, what if it fell into the hands of someone like Spyre or the Kinshou Army? Our world would definitely be in trouble then. I don't see any other course of action then to shatter the stone into as many pieces as possible and then commit them to fire," Zana replied. "You are right. We almost repeated the mistakes of the past. Quick we must hurry and get rid of it before the Kinshou army finds it!" Zena said. Zana nodded and pulled out her sword. Zena picked up the Stone of Goth and with a toss sent it spiraling in the air toward Zana. With one crushing blow, Zana swung her sword and smashed the Stone of Goth. Like rainfall the many pieces of the stone fell everywhere and hit the ground with the sound of many little clinks. After what had happened Signus came running into the room. "What happened? I thought I heard the sounds of fighting. Did you find Hyru?" Signus asked. "No we found nothing. Just this empty room with some of Hyru's dead followers. The room was like this when we got here. I don't think we are going to find Hyru," Zena answered Signus. "Very true. My men and I didn't find Hyru anywhere. It looks as if he was attacked and then fled. Truly you overestimate his power as I said," Signus replied. "Maybe...," Zena said. "Well now that we have fulfilled our half of the agreement it is now time for you to hold up your end and return home to Kinshou with us," Signus said. Zena and Zana were taken by surprise for a second. Now that it had come down to the moment when they had to honor the agreement, both Zena and Zana were having second thoughts about returning back to Kinshou. Although it might mean changing the world how they wanted it, it also meant giving up their current home and lives. And also there was no guarantee that this "Beloved" would want to go along with the Twin Moons plan. Signus was getting impatient, "Let us be off. We don't have much time. We can't let the clans of Monic prepare for us. You must comply." Just then before Zana could say no, a bright light filled the room. It was a green light that engulfed all the shadows and people within the room to the point where nothing could be seen only heard. And the sound that was heard was a deafening, high-pitched whine. Everybody covered his or her eyes and ears in response to the chaos. After it was over, in the center of the room stood Hyru. He had a large evil smile on his face and his body seemed to pulse with power. Zena and Zana hastily pulled out their weapons and pointed them toward Hyru. "Hyru we have been waiting for you. Your time to die is now," Zena said. Hyru just ignored her and didn't even glance her way. It was as if nobody was in the room except him. Hyru walked over to the pedestal where the Stone of Goth usually sat and stared long and hard. He then looked to the floor and saw the many shards of the Stone of Goth strewn about. Hyru threw his head back and yelled with the voice of a man gone insane, "NOOOOO! What happened to my precious stone! It is gone! Smashed, into hundreds of pieces! Why didn't I see the destruction of the stone? It must have been the one thing even the stone couldn't see. You did this!!" Hyru turned and pointed at the three people in the room. Suddenly as if responding to Hyru's anger, the Omni Gem lifted them all in the air and threw them against the ceiling. Plastered against the ceiling and unable to move, Zana started to yell, "You maniac! Let us down!" "Let you down?! Who are you to be ordering me around? I am Hyru, once a god-like man but now I am A GOD! And being the new god of Monic I must make decisions for the good of my people. If you follow me then you will be well rewarded for your loyalty...but if you cross me then my wrath will smite you where you stand! I deem you all unworthy of my benevolence and mercy! You deserve nothing less then total annihilation! You will be punished for the crimes as follows: destroying the Stone of Goth, killing my followers, opposing me, and desecrating my base. The penalty is total oblivion for you and all your people! And you the man of Kinshou thought you could fight me? Your people will be wiped off the face of Monic forever!" Hyru finally said. "Great speech Hyru but how do you intend to back it up! You are no god! You are just one man! You cannot fight off everybody!" Zena said. Hyru pulled out the Omni Gem and held it up, "I became a god the minute I got this! And with the power I now possess, nobody can stop me. Just watch as I easily dispose of both your peoples." And before Zana could say anything else they were all transported high among the clouds above the island of Kinshou. Zena, Zana, and Signus were floating in the air next to Hyru. Hyru pointed down toward the island and there was a bright flash that came from the surface. "What have you done Hyru?" Signus asked unsure of what was going on. "I transported all the Kinshou knights and all the Twin Moons people onto the island. Observe my absolute god-hood," Hyru said. Hyru then flew in front of them and pulled both his hands back. They both started to glow with a bright red light that got brighter with each passing second. The air and area around the four people could be felt shaking, as if the heavens themselves were about to rain down on them. The massive amount of power that was generating from Hyru was unfathomable and he was about to unleash this power on the Island of Kinshou. Zena tried to yell at Hyru to stop but her voice was drowned out by the droning sound coming from Hyru. Finally Hyru had reached the peak of power that he wished to release and with a swing of both his hands he sent out a red beam of power down towards the island. It ripped out from his hands so fast there could have been no way anybody on Kinshou could have seen it coming before it hit. With a blinding explosion, the Island of Kinshou erupted in a gigantic display of colors and pieces of land being flung around, followed by an enormous cloud of smoke. The smoke weld up and hung in the air for a short duration before dissipating. When it cleared the Island of Kinshou was gone, except for a few pieces of land still afloat, and with it all the people that had once resided there. Zena couldn't control herself any longer and cried out to her clan members that were no more, "NOOO!!! My clan, my people! Everybody I knew and lived with, gone! How could you Hyru!? Nobody can be that cruel! I will kill you if it is the last thing I ever do!" Zana had begun to cry. Hyru turned after hearing Zena and replied, "It was necessary to display my power for others to see and besides they opposed me, which is something this god will not tolerate," Hyru answered her. "Hyru you are insane! You are not a god! Simply a deranged man gone insane from the power of the Omni Gem! Get rid of it before you destroy yourself and all of this world!" Zana screamed. Hyru yawned and said, "You bore me. Your words cannot change what you did. And neither can I even with my power. Your punishment stands. Now if you will excuse me I have an empire to build." Hyru disappeared in a flash of light and Signus, Zena, and Zana were all left floating suspended in the air. It wasn't too long after that their suspension ended and all of them started falling down toward the ocean. Their speed kept increasing and they all saw that survival was unobtainable. Death was imminent and they couldn't do anything about it. They couldn't even warn the people of Monic what was soon going to happen to them. Their hopes and fears were quickly dashed on the ocean surface as they all hit it with an impact like hitting brick with a speed of over several miles an hour. Crushed and mangled, their lifeless bodies floated on the surface until sea creatures came up to devour them. Life for them had ended as it had for many people on Monic. Hyru had left to begin his reign of terror. Life on Monic would never be the same again...