A man's shadow could be seen in the moonlight.... He looked over at the houses in the town and stumbled to the nearest one, knocked on the door, and collapsed. It was about one o'clock in the town of Sinj in the western region of Hakido when Jinas heard a knock at his door. "Who could be knocking at this hour? Well whoever it is it can't be anyone friendly," said Jinas as he picked up his staff. Jinas walked over to the door cautiously and then very slowly opened it and looked out into the night air. At first he didn't see anything until he looked down and saw a man incredibly large but unconscious. "I wonder who he is... He certainly isn't from around here. Hmmm... he is wounded. I better take him in and help him out before the wolves get to him," said Jinas quietly. Jinas pulled the man inside and put him on top of his bed to inspect his wounds. The man had some cuts on the sides of his head and several scratches and scars along the rest of his body. The only serious looking wounds were the ones on his head. The man aside from having bruises on him had a strange black suit on him that was torn in several places and the suit was covered in hardened mud, muck, and all other manner of nasty things. "Well you have seen some action. I wonder who you are? Wait.. I have seen wounds like this before. They are from shurikan. I better keep you a secret until you wake up and tell me who you are," said Jinas as he was cleaning and dressing the man's wounds. Jinas then began to clean up his body wiping off the dirt and mud until suddenly he stopped as he wiped some muck from his right arm. That is when Jinas saw it... the mark of a Kin Shi Tal clansmen.... "What have we here... I don't understand why you have this. If it is true you are one of the Kin Shi Tal then your wounds are most strange indeed. I know a perfectly targeted Kin Shi Tal shurikan throw when I see one. But why would they try to kill one of their own? It is a wonder how you survived the poison they put on their shurikan, " said Jinas. Jinas then finished cleaning the man's body and was startled to find another tattoo on his left arm. This tattoo looked much different. It had Kin Shi Tal coded writing. Three words were printed and they seemed to form a Z. "I had better bring this to the attention of my master. He will know what to do," Jinas said at last. Jinas then left his house, locked the door, and quietly walked toward the Reflectionists dojo located just a few miles from town.