Franger looked on as Nick Swindle disguised as Demise sailed away in the boat he had lent him. "Well chaps, let us be on our way before nightfall. We would not want to risk being late for our clan meeting now would we?" The agents with Franger agreed and began their return trip back to the Spyre clan dojo. On the way back they ran into a strange man on the road in a black cloak. He didn't say anything until Franger passed by. When Franger heard what the man had whispered to him he stopped short. Franger then said to the men with him, "You fellows journey forward while I have a short conversation with this old gentleman here." The men just nodded and went on. Franger waited until he could barely see the men anymore and then began talking to the man. "I did not know it was you. Terribly sorry. Please forgive my disregard. I meant no disrespect," Franger replied. "Can the small talk you fool. What information do you have for me?" "Well we are currently going now to the clan dojo and then shortly to the rendezvous where the attack will be staged and then the spy will infiltrate the Kin Shi Tal base. After which I shall deliver all the information he brings to me, to you, " said Franger. "Good. Make sure that you do. Or else I cannot guarantee the safety of your precious wife. Heh heh heh. Now....about those keys that Spyre is holding?," the man asked. "I am sorry. I could only get one," Franger said. The man struck Franger, "You idiot. I ask you to do a simple thing and all you can say is 'sorry I could only get one'? Unforgivable, I should not even let you live..except that those keys are very important to had better come through soon or else your wife will find out the true meaning of the word PAIN!" "Oh Please master Hyru!!! Spare her life! Take me instead!!" Franger cried out. "Hmm..a noble thought, but I need you to get those keys and give me information. Don't worry. She will be ok as long as you continue to cooperate," Hyru said at last,"Now go and don't return without information or those keys." "Thank you sir," Franger said and then ran off to join with his clansmen. Hyru smiled as he thought to himself,"Everything is falling into place as I have foreseen it... Soon the war I started between the Shadow and the Twin Moons will be elevated to a level where I can get the keys away from the Shadow and destroy them both!! The Stone of Goth was exactly right!! Now my plan will continue on, but first I need the Scroll of Sangora from the Sword's Edge clan..." Just then an agent of Hyru's appeared before him. "Greetings master. I bring news about Nick Swindle," the agent said. "Excellent!! I need him to get the Scroll of Sangora for me. I will give him an offer he cannot refuse!! HA HA HA!" The agent then gave Hyru detailed information on the location of Nick Swindle. "Just as the Stone of Goth predicted he would end up master." "Yes of course....we shall be waiting to greet him! HA HA HA HA HA!!!!