Hyru looked into the Stone of Goth as he held it in his hand. Hyru thought about what could have possibly happened to Nick Swindle. Did his warriors succeed in getting him? Hyru asked the question in his head and the answer seemed to come to him as if it was a forgotten memory he just recalled. "So, someone has interfered with my plan...they shall be dealt with. I wonder if there is anything else that might interfere with my plan," said Hyru. Hyru asked himself this question and the answer once again came to him in the form of a vision in his mind instead of a recollection... "No...He will destroy everything..I must find out how he got here and then send him back from where he came!!!!," Hyru shouted. Where is this man Hyru thought...The answer came back...the town of Kamen... In the town of Kamen, it was a nice day but the people in town were getting ready for the eclipse. Boarding up there houses, getting food, and chopping fire wood. Most people knew better then to stay outside during the dark week for many evil creatures emerged during this time and thieves liked to take advantage of the blackness. Suddenly, behind a small house there was a bright flash of light and then a green portal opened. It stay there for only a second, tossed out a man, and then disappeared as quickly as it came. The man stood up to an enormous ten foot tall. The only thing he wore was a pair of ragged black pants, brown torn up boots, and a small red necklace. His body was gigantic and extremely muscular. One could only guess as to how many pounds he could lift up to. His face was hard and had rigid features. No hair of any kind could be found on him and scars could be seen all over his body. This giant juggernaut of a man looked around and started walking into town toward some towns people at a vending cart full of food. The people were too busy haggling over the price of the food they didn't notice the man until his shadow obscured the sun over the cart. They turned around, looked up at him, and then ran away, leaving the vender to deal with this enormous man himself. "W-what..d-d-do... you want?," the vender asked nervously. The man looked down at the vender and said, "You will give me all your food for nothing." The vender just shook his head yes and then ran away. The man said nothing else, picked up the cart with ease, and began to walk out of town. About this time a patrol of Shadow warriors happened to be in the area to check up on the town when the vender and several other people ran up to them with terror in their eyes. "Help us!! A MONSTER IN TOWN!!! A MAN AT LEAST TWELVE FOOT HIGH!!!," the people quickly said along with other babble. The leader of the Shadow warriors spoke up, "What are you people talking about? An intruder obviously. Come warriors, we shall check up on this 'Ten foot tall, monster man'," the leader remarked sarcastically. "TWELVE FOOT TALL!!," shouted some of the people. "Whatever," the leader said. The Shadow warriors walked into town and saw the man at a distance. But even then they could see his large size. "What the Ange* is that???!!!" the leader yelled. The man ignored them and kept walking toward the woods with his food cart. The Shadow warriors ran up toward the man with the leader ahead of the group. "Hey you with the food cart!!! Stop!," the leader yelled. The man stopped, turned around, put down his food cart, and waited for the warriors to reach him. The warriors stopped short and looked up at the man's hulking size. The man waited for the warriors to speak but with his growing impatience he spoke, "I am called Citange of the clan Hurricane's Eye. Either stay out of my way or die." The leader stepped forward and said, "I can't let you go for you actions against this town and its people. You will surrender to us or force us to take action." Citange looked down at the men in disgusted. "You fools don't know who you are dealing with do you? Or else you would already be running in fear. I WILL KILL YOU ALL!!," Citange yelled. The men jumped at this but still kept their cool and pulled their swords. They shrank back when they saw Citange suddenly grow almost three times as big and his muscles started bulging larger. "ATTACK!", commanded the leader. The first three warriors leaped at Citange with swords primed to strike. Citange grabbed two of them out of the air and used them to crush the third one in-between them. Citange then threw the two warriors in hand to the far end of town where they both hit the ground dead. The leader quickly spoke to one of his other two warriors, "We will handle him while you run and tell Panther what has happened here." The warrior nodded and ran away. The leader with his other man began attacking Citange with shurikan and knives. Some seemed to hit him but others just bounced off. It still didn't phase him a bit though. Citange didn't wait for another attack, he quickly reached down, picked up the leader, and ripped him in half like a twig. The blood and guts spilled out onto the other warrior who ran away screaming. He didn't get far when Citange jumped and crushed the warrior into the ground. The other warrior that was running thought he had out ran Citange but he quickly caught up with him and was about to grab him when the warrior used his "shadow port" and disappeared. Citange looked around, shrank back to "normal" size, and then went back in the direction he was traveling. "The weak always strive to be weaker," Citange finally said as he continued on with his food cart.