Day 10, the wiseman thought to himself. Only just a little while ago Tse had left to go find Citange. If only he had stayed and listened to my whole story, maybe we could have found an easier way to trap Citange rather than just trying to kill him. The wiseman looked down at the pile of old scrolls laying on the table. The wiseman thought of what he had read, the sad history of the Acabodera Wars and where the Hurricane's Eye clan had come from. "The mistakes of the past. Are we bound to repeat them?? How much longer can we wisemen keep the secret of the Hurricane's Eye clan now that Citange is loose...," the wiseman said out loud shaking his head. The wiseman looked out the window and seeing that it was afternoon, seemed to begin counting seconds in his head. Five, four, three, two, one.....and just as he hit one the sky darkened until it was pitch black. "Why now did the week long eclipse have to come?" the wiseman asked himself. The wiseman began reading the scrolls again. They read as follows: "I, the wiseman Serabi of sound mind hereby banish all information of the Hurricane's Eye clan to these scrolls and conceal the scrolls in this church. The wisemen, in light of the Acabodera Wars decided to use the Omni Gem to create a mighty clan of men to stop the wars before they got any worse. So they created the Hurricane's Eye clan from several volunteers. How could they have possibly known that the men would be consumed by the power and keep the wars going for 150 more years!!!!! Instead of ending the wars early they just sped it up to a new high and a monstrous number of people died...Nearing the year 900 I was born and in the year 940 I found a way to stop the Hurricane's Eye. With the help of other wisemen and clan leaders we banished the Hurricane's Eye to a dimension of nothingness. How we accomplished this task is-...." The wiseman Ezra looked at the scroll and saw that was all that was left of the scroll. The rest had been turned to dust over time. "I must keep looking for answers," Ezra said at last and continued looking through the many books and scrolls of the library.