It was late at night and Enrico Rico was asleep in his hut next to the Kin Shi Tal dojo. Enrico Rico began tossing, turning, and then he began to babble some words in his sleep, "No...NO..It's not all thanks to Corbane! It makes no sense!!! HE DIDN'T DO ANYTHING!!!" And suddenly Enrico woke up with sweat dripping off of him. "What a nightmare," he said. But Enrico spoke to soon when the wicked witch of the South East busted in through the roof of his hut. "What do you want?," Enrico asked. "HEh HEh HEh!! Give me your hair gel stuff. ALL OF IT!! So then I will have the coolest and best hair in all of Monic!!!," the old witch cackled. "No. NEVER YOU WITCH!!!," Enrico yelled. "Well about a little fire Enrico!" After the witch said this her broom caught on fire. She stuck it close to Enrico's hair which went ablaze with fire. "NO!!!!!!!!!!," Enrico screamed as he ran around his hut. And then Enrico woke up to the sound of his leader's, Kinshiro, voice. "Wake up Enrico. It was just a bad dream." "Yes. I know. It was that damn witch again. Well I had better get up and make some more gel stuff," Enrico said calm now. "Is that all you are going to do with the rest of your life? Make gel stuff?," Kinshiro asked. "Well what else is there?" "Listen Enrico. I have a mission for you. I expect you to get right on it to," Kinshiro said. Kinshiro then told Enrico what he must do. Enrico just nodded and when Kinshiro left he began to make gel stuff. "Well I guess I will need some gel stuff for the road so I don't run out. Good thing I have plenty of my special spices that I use for ingredient's....yes my very special spices!!! HA HA HA HA!!" He said at last as he put on his backpack of supplies and left out of his hut.