A man looked up at a great brick wall. He began to hit it a little and inspect it as if he was looking at the construction. "How is that sir? I hope it is to your liking," a man said while bowing to the other man looking at the gigantic building. "Yes, it looks promising. But you had better be sure of its quality or else you will answer to me," the man said. "Yes of course Mr. Zochi you don't need to worry about that. We used the best materials and had the best builders working on it," the man replied. "Hmph. They had better be the best, for the amount of money I spent on it. I need this up and running by the eclipse," Mr. Zochi said to the worker. The worker just bowed and walk away inside the building. "Signus. Signus! Where the ANGE is Signus," the man shouted angrily. The other servants that were still there quickly split up to find Signus, Mr. Zochi's master record keeper and messenger. Signus came running from around the side of the building and got on his knee as he reached Mr. Zochi. "I am very sorry Mr. Zochi. I just wanted to be sure that this building met up to your expectations. I meant no disrespect. Please forgive me," Signus begged. "Signus. Do you like serving me?" "Of course Mr. Zochi. It is an honor to serve the richest, most influential, greatest man of Monic." "Well then you had better come faster next time I call. This project is extremely important to me and other people that invested in it. Just look at this beautiful new prison. This is just the beginning. Soon many more like it will be appearing around Monic. We will work our way here from Hakido and progress around the world. Order will finally be and I will be running the prisons! Yes me! Mr. Zochi, the most powerful man on Monic! HAHAHAHA!!" Mr. Zochi then got in his elegant, gold encrusted coach and road back to one of his many mansions located on Monic.