The Beginning from the End Day 144 The sky was dark and stormy as usual around the top of Hyru's fortress. Inside it was dimly lite with many waining candles that danced in the breezes that came in through the iron-bared windows. The stone walls of the fortress had many different images cast on them including the five shadows of Hyru's counsel. They were walking down a hallway that led to Hyru's main chamber. They stopped when they reached the door to his room and waited for their master to allow them entrance. The black-metal door glowed with a radiant blue light that subsided after a second. A voice could be heard from within, "You will enter now." In response to the command they walked toward the door which opened to let them in and then closed behind them. It continued its glow afterwords. In Hyru's main chamber many things adorned the room: a bookcase containing numerous volumes, an enchanted device used to communicate with the main Spyre base, various artwork depicting things in Monic's history, a large window facing the main continent of Anihc, five chairs with a long table in front of them, and at the back of the room was a gold throne that had many encrusted jewels. Upon the throne of gold sat Hyru. Each of the five counsel members sat down at his or her designated chair. The grey uniformed General of the Espionage Corp. sat at the first chair, the black uniformed General of the Stealth Corp. sat at the second chair, the dark green uniformed General of the Predatory Corp. sat at the third chair, the dark blue uniformed General of the Versatile Corp. sat at the fourth chair, and the blood red uniformed General of the Rampage Corp. sat at the last chair. Hyru spoke, "General Nage, what do you have to report?" The man at the first chair stood up. "I located the hidden library of books that was at the town of Regan. The tip given by that Den of Souls member was true. We burned the books and then killed everybody in the building," Nage said. "Good. But I want nothing to chance. The people of Regan have defied me for the last time. General Kage. You will order a battalion of your Rampage Corps. to get rid of the town," Hyru said. General Kage at the last chair replied, "Yes Lord Hyru. Consider the town of Regan a mere memory. If even that." Hyru nodded and spoke again. "What do you have to report General Sheen?" Hyru asked the General in the second chair. "My units report that a resistance member was seen talking with a Rico Gel drug runner. They didn't hear all of what was said but they know when they will meet again," Sheen said. "Have both of them followed after the second meeting. Find out all the information they both know. After which discreetly kill them," Hyru commanded. "I shall see to it," Sheen answered back. Hyru looked over at the General in the third chair. "General Foust. What information do you have for me? Have the latest taxes been collected?" "Yes Lord Hyru. But the people of Shokoca town demand the taxes be lowered since their economy is suffering and soon they won't be able to pay," Foust answered. "Hmm.. Kill several of the townspeople and tell them if they don't want anymore people to die they must continue paying the taxes. Instruct them that they had better find a way to maintain their economy or else the Rampage Corps. will solve the problem for them. General Vira. How goes the search for the main base of the Shadow-Tal resistance?" The General in the fourth chair stood and spoke, "Our search continues but we keep coming to dead ends. Since they aren't widely known, not too many people have information on them. The few that do wind up dead or missing after we ask. The resistance uses every means at their disposal to keep from being discovered. Coming out from their hiding place doesn't occur very often." "Yes they are indeed cunning and devious but their deaths will come as many people have died before them that opposed me. Also keep in mind the reason why not many people know about them is because we want it that way. We don't want a rebellion of my citizens because a rogue band of outlaws incites them to. People might be roused to follow the Shadow-Tal against me and I intend to continue my control. Ironically the Shadow-Tal would like to known but can't because if they do I would find out where they are. Right now we are at a stalemate. But it is a battle I will win in the end. Tell your troops of the Versatile Corp. to keep up their efforts, General Vira. I expect a more fulfilling report tomorrow. You are all dismissed." All the General's stood up, bowed down to one knee, and then left Hyru's chambers. They walked to a room at the end of the hall from where they first entered. In the room a circle of stone stood at the center. Each member stepped in the center and Hyru, sensing the members presence, used the Omni Gem to teleport each General back to Spyre's main base. His clan would carry out the orders he had given his Generals and relay any news through the communications device. Hyru stroked his chin thoughtfully and walked over to his window. He looked out over his empire. The only thing not under his control was the Shadow-Tal resistance. It angered Hyru they had not been found yet but being immortal had granted him an eternity of time and patience. Eventually the resistance would fall...