Hyru "Gains of the Resistance" Day: 149 Location: Destroyed Island of Kinshou A man with a torch is seen walking through a dark cavern followed by another man. Both have symbols of the Shadow-Tal on their arms. The first man with the torch speaks, "I don't know why Panther sent us to look around on this island. All we found so far is this cave." "I don't understand it either Dar, but obviously Panther believes there is something here to help in our fight against Hyru or else he would not have sent us," the other man replied. "You are probably right Nazo. He probably found something out about these islands after some of our contacts located a hidden source of books, thought to have been left by the Great Sentients. Although most of the islands of Kinshou that we hide on have nothing, so it seems unlikely that something would be here," Dar said. "Great Sentients? What's that?" Nazo asked. "Something Panther once told me about. They weren't a what but a who. The Great Sentients was a clan that collected vast amounts of knowledge. Panther believes their lost knowledge holds the key to defeating Hyru. In any case the books supposedly pointed to a source of power at this location," Dar explained. "I see. Hmph. But, I don't know why we have to do Panther's dirty work. I would rather be back on the mainland collecting information than digging in the rock," Nazo said. "Hey don't worry about it. As soon as we find nothing here and then return back I am sure Panther will put you back on surveillance duty," Dar said. "Yeah. Probably," Nazo said then continued walking deeper into the cave. The walls were colored dark black with different shades of brown. It was dug out by somebody in the past obviously. The cave seemed to go on forever but the men still didn't find anything so they pushed on. Finally they happened upon something very interesting. "Hey Dar take a look at this!" Nazo shouted. "What did you find?" "A piece of armor. Or what's left of it." Nazo said, "It appears to have been hit by something. You can see burn marks on the edges. It looks like it is a hundred years old. But how could it have survived all this time without breaking down or rusting?" "I don't know. This armor also feels surprisingly light and still shines. This may be what we need to turn to the fight in our favor! Let's get this back to Panther!" Dar said. "Right," Nazo replied. Meanwhile at one of Hyru's shrines in Mankoyt, a man was walking by. He didn't bother to stop and pay any tributes but kept on walking. At the same time three members of the Spyre Versatile Corp were returning from a mission and noticed the man walk past without stopping. They weren't exactly pleased with him. The three agents stood in front of the man and didn't move. "Where do you think you are going. You have not paid any tributes to this Hyru shrine. Do we have to remind you who rules Monic?" The man looked up and the agents could see he had the mark of a Den of Souls member. "No. I have not forgotten. I just chose not to pay him any tributes. I didn't elect him into power or ask him to rule. So I don't have to give him my allegiance," the Den of Souls man said. "Hyru didn't need to be elected. A man of his power, intelligence, and magnificence doesn't need to be 'asked' to lead us. He deserves our absolute loyalty without question. And don't think that just because you are a Den of Souls member and have a treaty with Hyru that you don't have to pay him tribute," the lead agent said. "I see your point. Not let me be equally clear. No. I will not pay him tribute. Not now, not ever. Regardless of the treaty I don't recognize his position. So if you are going to do something about it, you better do it now," the man said drawing a large lance. It was made of dark black metal that had a large metal spear tip. In response the agents quickly drew their weapons and slashed at him. The man jumped back to avoid the strikes and retaliated with his spear. It met its mark killing one of the agents. The other two ran toward the man. He blocked with his spear and pushed them back. The lead agent jumped back and threw out several daggers while the other attacked from the back. The man jabbed at his rear attacker but his attacks were all deflected. However the man's plan had worked to obscure the vision of the daggers. At the last second he ducked and the blades all hit the agent and killed him. The lead agent narrowed his vision at the man and spoke. "What is your name Den of Soul's dog." "I am called Azure Gar, although the term Gar doesn't hold much meaning to me. More like an imposed name," Azure said. "I know the term Gar. In the Den of Souls it refers to a second level agent. You are weak and are no match for me," the agent said. "You may be right. But I also train on my own outside the Den of Souls," Azure said. "Then let's see you defend this attack." The Spyre agent ran forward and slashed several times slowly weakening Azure's defensive stance. He then followed it up with a mind-bolt that clouded Azure's judgement and caused him to make several mistakes. The agent cut Azure and then disarmed him. Azure's spear flew into the air and planted itself firmly in the ground. The agent poised his blade in front of Azure's face and said, "Well it seems I was correct. You are no match for me. You underestimated your opponent and for that you will die." "True you were right but only about the first statement," Azure said as he rolled to the side and retrieved his weapon. He pointed it up to the sky and began chanting. "Oh great spirit of the Den of Souls, grant me your power. Give me the strength of legions and the prowess of your battled hardened abilities. Endow this your servant with the summoning of my ancestors! I summon you to aid me and harness the ages of skill!" As Azure spoke the incantation, a glow encased his body. Suddenly a red aura exploded around his body and his eyes opened to reveal a wicked stare. Endowed with the knowledge, spirit, and strength of his ancestors, Azure was ready to fight. Azure ran forward and sidestepped a slash of the Spyre agent and knocked his sword to the side. He then thrust his spear into the man's chest and drove it through his body. The spear pierced out the agent's back and then he threw the limp body high into the air. The body landed in front of Hyru's shrine and did not stir. Having finished the battle the aura faded and Azure returned to his normal self. "Humph. I didn't want to kill them but they left me no choice. I suppose though that no one will know it was a Den of Souls member that killed them. And besides I don't have time to bury them. I have to find that resistance contact in New Rolin City I heard about. My clan sent me to get rid of some rogue agents from our clan that choose not to honor the treaty and instead oppose Hyru. The leader of the traitors is suppose to be meeting with someone from the Shadow-Tal at a bar. I hope my sources were right. If they are correct I intend to stop them at all costs," Azure said putting his weapon away. Azure turned and then continued on to New Rolin City.