"The Truth Of It All" Day 155 Hyru's Island Fortress Hyru stood in front of his window overlooking his empire, as he often did. Many thoughts ran through his mind, mostly about the future. His future and Spyre's future. Without turning around he lifted his finger and the door to his chamber swung open. In walked General Vira of the Spyre Versatile Corps. "Yes what is it General Vira?" "Master Hyru, I apologize for interrupting you but I thought this matter was important enough to bring directly to you. It involves the Shadow-Tal resistance." Hyru didn't turn around but simply said, "Yes. What of them." "We recently gained intelligence that they were trying to set up a base in the Swamps of Soun. We guessed they wanted a base there since the Rampage Corps couldn't be used on them in that environment. We felt it was of great importance to get rid of them quickly so I sent some of my Corps and Stealth Corp agents to destroy them. I also have news of an attack, not ordered, of the Rampage Corps on Ralla. It seems the town is destroyed." Hyru still didn't turn around or respond immediately. "How interesting. But it does not concern me. A matter of small importance. I have things to do that are of much greater consequence. I am sure you and my other loyal subjects will remedy the situations. You may go now." Hyru stood still for a second and then turned around and saw General Vira still standing in the same spot, never having moved. "You require something else?" "I wish to ask a question please Master Hyru if you would allow me to," General Vira said with a bow. "Very well if you must," Hyru said. "Lord, the other Generals and I are puzzled by your lack of interest and action in recent matters. You are concerning yourself less and less with your empire and letting us make most of the decisions. Your rule seems, well not to say anything to offend your but... no longer in your hands." "Are you saying you don't see me as ruler anymore?" Vira stepped back, "N-NO LORD! You are still supreme ruler over all Monic. It is just that we have not had the benefit of your great leadership or wisdom for a while. And we just wish to know why." "Well normally I would kill you for questioning my action or my... in-action but since you are my General and a good leader needs his followers to understand some of his actions, I will tell you. Do you know where we stand as the clan Spyre in the hierarchy of nature?" "Yes. We are higher than all other creatures and people and therefore better and more evolved." "Yes. That is correct. You know the early Monic people were not very advanced and had little in the way of abilities or intelligence. But over time and evolution Spyre has greatly surpassed all creations, save the Man and the Overseer himself. I see the early Monic people as having four main survival needs that drove all their actions and life. Food, shelter, clothing, and reproduction. The Man who came before them also had these needs but he went far beyond those needs and gained much higher needs. Along with the higher needs his intelligence and other abilities increased. He was designed that way by the Overseer. But the Overseer destroyed him and made the early Monic people very primitive. Even Monic people today have the same four basic needs and nothing more. They may seem to be more than that but when it comes down to it, that is all they are. Primitives that allow those basic needs to control every aspect of their lives. But out of all these inferiors came Spyre. A group of peoples that broke free of this mold and is so much more than any other people." Vira nodded and kept on listening intently as Hyru preached on. This was something she had longed to hear as many Spyre agents had begun questioning Hyru and many had been killed for their actions. If only the people of Monic really knew how unstable the Spyre hierarchy had gotten. But as Hyru said they are primitives, not very smart. But with this information Spyre could be as solid as it originally was. Agents not following orders exactly like they should was something Spyre would not tolerate. Hyru continued on, "Spyre is a clan of more evolved beings that are just below the Man. With our continual gaining of knowledge we grow that much closer to his perfection and power. And then another step above that and we would be like gods! The Overseer fears us I believe. He never planned on something like Spyre to come out of all the other people he created. But since he vowed never to interfere with man again, we are free to grow." "Then why do we have lowly primitives as our servants? Why don't we just wipe them out and have a world populated by a perfect race?" "Because General Vira, although we have much greater needs, desires, and are highly advanced, we still have the four basic needs. Now why should we waste our time with those when lower people can provide for our basic needs? They give us our food, shelter, clothing, and when we desire, help us to create more people like us. This leaves us to concentrate on our higher needs. And in return we allow them to live. Does that not seem fair?" "Yes Master Hyru. You have such great wisdom. I will inform the other Generals of your words." Hyru turned back around, "You do that." Hyru pointed his finger and the door to his chamber opened. General Vira left and went back to Spyre's main base. "What a waste of time." Hyru went back to ponder his thoughts. Hyru was on the verge of a great discovery. Through many years of living and using the Omni Gem's powers, he found out that it had many different uses and abilities. The things he could do with the Omni Gem seemed limitless. When he mastered one power of the Omni Gem, another would present itself either through experimentation or imagination. Unlike others, Hyru didn't believe the Man was destroyed by the Overseer, but instead destroyed himself. With the Omni Gem anything could be realized, practice one ability until you have pushed it to the limit and another appears. It took a longer amount of time and much more practice with each ability to master it and then you moved onto the next one. Things like immortality and the creation of living things, which seem extremely powerful, are nothing to the Omni Gems true power. Hyru theorized that the Man made it to a point in his ability with the Omni Gem where he had gotten so powerful and attempted something so great that he couldn't control it and ended up destroying himself in the process. Hyru had reached a point similar to that and had nearly killed himself. But with some quick thinking he had survived. With that experience Hyru vowed not to repeat the Man's "mistake". So he was thinking and calculating so that soon, he could surpass the Man and move to an even higher stage of evolution. The last thing that Hyru had attempted was moving large objects, the planet Monic had moved from its orbit temporarily and then Hyru put it back. His excitement was so great that he quickly moved to the next ability, manipulating much smaller objects. It was of no great feat to move large objects like houses, mountains, and then a planet with practice. Getting larger with each object until he could move something very immense. But moving to smaller objects, so small that they cannot be seen was much more difficult. If he could master it, things like opening rifts in dimensions, in space, in time, and controlling the very building blocks of life would be at his disposal. He made the mistake of attempting a rift right away and almost ripped himself apart. He needed more practice with small objects before he could try it again. But he feared time was running out, for some odd reason, and his patience was wearing thin. His thirst for power was much larger than he could control and the Omni Gem provided the means to realized it...