From the tree Talon could see Ultimate-Zero being killed by some strange looking man, but that's not what really caught his attention. He noticed Demise watching from behind some bushes. He remembered fighting Demise 2 years ago. Demise had just assassinated a low ranking Soul Edge Clan member and was being pursued by several members of the clan. He was fast enough to outrun most of them, but when he tried to escape by climbing the side of a cliff, Talon was able to catch up. He pulled Demise off of the cliff. As Demise hit the ground, Talon jumped down at him with dagger drawn. Demise put his arm up in front of him and Talon scarred him from his elbow to the base of his hand. Demise fought him a while and then got away. Talon watched Demise, and wanted closure to that battle they started a year ago, but had something else in mind. After the shadowy man killed Ultimate-Zero, Demise started to leave, and Talon covertly followed him. Nobody knew where the Spyre Clan lived and Talon saw this as an opportunity to find out. He shadowed Demise as he went Eastward. He seemed to be going toward Karnough City. Talon hated the thought. Karnough was dirtier and more run down than any city he'd ever been to. When Demise reached the town he went into one of the buildings on the outskirts of the town. Talon started to get up from where he was hiding and go over to it when he was grabbed by someone. He didn't see who because a cloth was immediately thrown over his head and he was knocked out. When he regained consciousness after what didn't seem like a very long time he was tied up in a small wooden house. Right beside him, Demise was also tied up. Talon assumed that the suicide pill the Spyre always keep on the roof of their mouths had been taken out since Demise wasn't dead, but looked as if he wanted to be. A middle aged man wearing a somewhat military looking uniform with several sashes and small chains added to it walked in and said, "I'm Hyru. You are Soul Edge and Spyre. Soul Edge, I want everything you know about the Scroll of Sangora. Spyre, I'm not sure what information I want out of you yet so you'd better think of something good enough to tell me to keep me from killing you. I have a cup of water in here. You both have until I finish drinking it to think it over." Hyru walked over to a table in the room, sat down, and took a drink from a cup that was sitting on the table. He sipped at it casually as he watched Talon and Demise. Talon looked over at Demise. . .