Gowri Gabrieve sneaked along the buildings and walls of the cities. He had already dispatched two guards of the town. He used his shadow ability to go from street to street. He made it to the town hall and saw who was the current leader of this small band. His name is Yoshaki, from the Spyre clan. Gowri slowly pulled out several shurikens, careful not to make a sound. He saw runners coming and going to the leader, every now and then bringing a townsmen along to be killed. Gowri raised his hands and threw the shurikens with perfect accuracy. He had struck the three guards in the head. He went into his shadow form and ran behind the leader while he was still confused. Yoshaki, turned in time to see Gowri plunge his katana into him. Yoshaki, stumbled back, the blade sticking right between his shoulder blades and coming out of his chest cavity. Gowri sighed a sigh of relief and muttered "That was close." Gowri took a step back, dumbfounded at what he saw. Yoshaki, pulled the blade out and dropped it to the ground. " You fool. You have no clue as to what I am do you? We shall meet again." With that, Yoshaki, disappeared in a cloud of smoke and sulfur. The men who were with them ran away with all the energy they could muster. Gowri, fell back at what had just happened, eyes staring wide and smelling the sulfur. And all he could say was," Well damn."