Demise sat there. Talon looked like he needed help. A man ran in and told Hyru something. Hyru spun on Demise and yelled, "Who are you?" Demise smiled. Hyru grabbed a sword and ran out. This left three guards. One of them yelled, "Help me!!", and the other two just stared at him. Then one of the other guards suddenly burst into flames. The guards got scared by this and ran away. Demise freed himself from his ropes by quickly rubbing the rope against a sharp piece of wood on his chair. He got up, looked at Talon, grabbed his sword, and swung. Talon was free?? He looked at Demise walking away. Demise yelled, "You coming?? This city is in the hands of our enemies. We have to find away out." Talon said, "Wait, why did he ask who you were??" Demise said, "He doesn't know, I know." Talon looked at him. "What are you saying?" Then someone that looked like Demise ran in. Sorrow smiled at his work of the guards. Sorrow said, "Buy me some time." Demise and Talon guarded the door and waited for anyone to come in. Then Sorrow started to chant a spell, and then in a burst of light all three of them were in the woods, and Sorrow was running away. Demise grabbed a rock and slung it at Sorrow. When it hit, Sorrow dropped like a rock. Demise and Talon walked over to him. Demise said, "My brother." Talon said, "Your family is screwed." Demise suddenly looked very angrily at Talon and said, "You better take that back!" Talon just stood there and shook his head no. Demise quickly kicked Talon in the gut, making him fall to the ground for a minute when suddenly they both heard Hyru's voice. Demise just picked up his brother, looked over at Talon and shrugged as he ran away. Hyru quickly grabbed Talon before he could make his escape. Hyru looked up and said to his guards, "Go get that Spyre agent or you all will die!!" Hyru then turned his attention back to Talon. "I will give you one more chance to tell me where the Scroll of Sangora is or else you will die." Talon said nothing. Hyru threw Talon against a tree then grabbed him by the hair and held him up in front of his face. "Last chance Talon," Hyru said as he drew his sword. Talon cursed him and then spat in Hyru's face. Hyru then swung with his sword, decapitating Talon. He looked down at Talon's body and then walked away.