Nick Swindle smiled as he left the town of Peres. He wasn't sure what he liked more, all the money he swindled the people out of there or the special rare item he got from a collector in that town that he had big plans for. As Nick Swindle was driving his carriage Northward away from town, the bow merchant Barry Scott was riding into Peres. He had been selling bows and arrows for a long time. People usually bought them for hunting, but recently sales had been much better because there had been a lot more fighting between clans recently. Most people were getting nervous and wanted weapons for protection. As Barry rode into town, he noticed a man preparing to use a bow similar to what he sold. Barry rode his horse over to where the man was and said, "Hello, sir. If you don't mind me asking, where did you get that bow of yours? It looks like the ones I sell, but I've never been to Peres before." The man said, "I got it from a great man named Nick Swindle. I still can't believe the deal he gave me on it. Only forty talics. I'm about to practice with it at this moment." Barry got an angry look on his face, "Swindle? You bought something from Swindle? I'm selling bows for only twenty five talics. Try your bow out." The man looked puzzled but tried the bow out. As soon as he raised it and tried to fire the arrow, the bow's string broke and the arrow simply fell to the ground. The man was furious, "Nick Swindle! I damn you!" Barry said, "Did Swindle sell bows to everybody in town?" The man said, "Yes, he swindled all of us. Afterward he headed toward the North." Barry quickly rode his carriage off in that direction. Up the road, Nick was thinking about his plans. The more he thought about it, the more he smiled. He heard the sound of someone coming up behind him, and saw Barry Scott riding up to him with an angry look on his face. Barry stopped as he came up beside Nick. Barry yelled, "This is the last time you're going to do this to me, Swindle. You knew I was on my way to that town." Nick said, "Barry. If I had known you were going that way I would've gone straight to Rolen City without stopping there first." Barry said, "Cut the crap, Nick. I'm a business man and I'm just trying to stay in business." Nick said, "Every man is a business man. And I know you know good business when you see it. You are that good a business man aren't you?" Barry said, "Of course, but you. ." Nick interrupted, "Yes, and I have information a business man like you would be a fool to pass up. I know you're not a fool, but I can't share information in good conscience with someone who's going to accuse me of taking his business." Barry said, "Oh, um, well I'm sorry for. ." Nick smiled and said, "Of course, no hard feelings my friend. I'm always willing to help a good business partner out. I happen to know that Rolen City is in dire need of bows. They're near some of the fighting and they need someone to help them out. That man is you, that is if you're up to it." Barry said, "Of course, what should I. ." Nick said, "Just do what you do, my friend. Sell your wares and help those people. But, I don't know if you have enough with you. Demand is awful high up there. I'd be glad to offer you some of mine, if it would help." Barry said, "Well, of course. Even a little more would. ." Nick said, "Well, then. Let's get this transaction in gear so you can get to where you're needed. I've got 3 cases. Only 600 talics." Barry said, "Well, I only have. ." Nick said, "Whatever you have is fine. You'll be able to pay back the rest later with all the business you're going to be doing." Barry smiled. After the transaction was complete, Barry rode off toward Rolen City and said, "Thanks, Nick." Nick just smiled and waved goodbye to him. Nick decided to get moving in case Barry realized that he'd been swindled and came back after him. There was no demand for bows in Rolen City, because Nick had been there just before he went to Peres. Before he left, Nick took another look at the prize he had gotten in Peres which was instrumental to the swindle he had planned next. It was a large golden sword with the symbol of the Kin Shi Tal. . .