Demise laughed at the man. Sorrow fell down laughing. The man dropped the bow and ran for his life. Demise told Sorrow to get the man. Sorrow jumped up and ran after him. When he was about 50 feet away from the man, Sorrow cast a spell, and a hand came out of the ground. The family that took Sorrow had no sons. The father was a mage. It was a 6 generation old tradition to teach the first born son the ways, but his wife was no longer fertile, so he taught the ways to Sorrow. Even though he was loved, he was still to have been a slave. He left when the mage was murdered. He had learned three-fourth's of mage's teachings, but he had his book, and could decode it. After he saved Demise, they talked and he realized he hated his real parents, not Demise. The hand grabbed the man and held firm. Demise walked up to him and said,"Where did you get this crappy bow?" The man said, "Nick Swindle, he sold them to me." Demise pulled out his sword and cut off the man's arm, and said,"That is for trying to kill me." Then Sorrow cast a spell and more hands came out of the ground and pulled the man to the ground, then ripped him to pieces, and the man let out an ear piercing scream. Then the hands turned to dust and blew away in the wind. "Nick Swindle is my kind of guy," said Sorrow. "Let us attack the city," said Demise. Rolin did not put up much of a fight against the twins and the other five members of Spyre. They killed all of the men, but left the women and children. Then they divided the group up: Women and children over five and the children under five. The children under five were sent to a secret Spyre training\brain washing camp for people of destroyed cities. The others were let go. Then Sorrow blew up the city with a fireball and destroyed their tracks.