News of Nick had reached through the forest, and it was brought to the attention of AtomFlail. He withdrew from his hiding place, and went to one of the minor roads where he found a merchant passing. "Oh, thank goodness it's you!" the man said, "Nick Swindle has been robbing the cities blind, and I've lost all my business." "I understand he has been a great threat to trade." Atom signed. "Any more news?" "Yes. A group from Spyre, led by the 'twins' has attacked my home city. My wife and children were gone when I came back." "Demise, you say, and Sorrow," Atom asked with sign "Yes." "It is my understanding that what bodies you don't find where they've been through, they leave alive and take for another purpose. I swear I shall one day bring your son back to you. And I will bring this also to the attention of my master, where he will deal with it. Myself, I will handle Swindle." "Bless you sir! But I pray you, stay away from him. They say his mouth is like a siren, and you don't remember yourself until it's to soon." Atom sent the man away with money for his losses, then from the equipment in the mans wagon he took a fine arrow which he worked over and wrote 'Nick Swindle' in the arrowhead before loading his hand-crossbow with it. He then reported back to Shadow, where he finished his training and learned the next deadly forms, which he would soon need to put into practice...