Gowri stepped out of his house and stretched, letting the dark blanketed sky drop their little spittle's of water onto him. He decided to come out and enjoy the nice forest rain and felt it was a good day to go to town. He walked to his roses and tended to them carefully and plucking a few for the day to come. He went to go back inside to get his money and weapons when he saw a leaflet on the ground. He picked it up, opened it and read it's contents. 'We are in great danger again and your help is needed. The Spyre Clan has been raiding our town again. They our constantly patrolling our streets and making us do whatever they want. Mainly beating us and spitting on us when we walk by. We can only hope this letter gets to you before they decide to kill us. Signed, The Mayor of Peres'. Gowri quickly ran inside got his nunchaku, Crow Handle daggers, and some catpaws for climbing. He looked over his katana before slinging it over his back. He heard a bunch of men walking outside of his house and stepped outside. A bunch of men which carried katana's and what seemed to be Broad swords. They all drew their weapons when Gowri stepped out. He took out his Katana slowly and melded into the shadows by his house, he knew this battle wasn't going to be easy.