The Shadow were smart. Their dungeon was exactly in the middle of their base, so if Xara were to escape, she would face nearly an equal amount of people trying to stop her. That is, if she were in the condition to attempt an escape. Right now, to add to the blow on her head, she had been dragged to the dungeon across an uneven hard rock floor, and the manacles which held her to the wall were made like a branding iron would be. Hot. She passed out twice. When she woke up again, she heard two guards talking. One said, "Yeah. I heard something about Sorrow losing his magic powers." "I'd like to thank whoever did that. The twins are nothing but trouble." They then stopped talking and stood at attention as Panther walked through the thick stone door of the dungeon. "Hmm, so this is Xara. Your sorry clan was foolish to think you could stop the almighty Shadow. Tell me everything about your mission or suffer the consequences." "All I'll tell you is that it wasn't my choice to attack you." "Sure it wasn't." Just then, a guard came running. "Sir, several Twin Moons armies have been spotted nearby!" "How many are there?" asked Panther. About 1000, sir." "Send out our best fighters. As for you, Xara, I'll deal with you later." Outside, The Twin Moons launched several boulders from a catapult at the Shadow base. One was aimed at the dungeon. Soon, it came crashing through the ceiling, and the dungeon walls started to crumble. A rock broke the manacle on Xara's left wrist, and then wall on which Xara held manacled to gave out, freeing Xara. With no time to lose, She bolted out the door, and found her self in a labyrinth of tunnels and passageways. She ran down one tunnel, took a right, and found a fork in the tunnel. She took a the left tunnel, and found herself in a large empty room. The only way out was the way she just came in. She tried to leave, but a steel door blocked her path. She tried to break through it, but it was no use. She was trapped. For the first time, she noticed a window near the ceiling. "If only I could get up there," she thought. Then Panther appeared at the window. He opened it, and said, "So, you thought you could escape. How foolish. Now your finally trapped for good. I wish I could watch you die, but there's no time. Good bye, Xara." He pulled a wooden lever, and then left. "I thought I was supposed to die," she thought. "What an idiot that guy is." As she looked for a way to get to the window, she heard a grinding noise. She looked around, saw that the middle of the floor was being separated. The floor was opening! Xara went over to the edge of the floor to see what was down there. She saw a stone floor with about 100 small compartments in it. They all began opening at once, and when they did, a tall spear raised out of each one, and the floor itself began to move upward. Xara realized it was either fall and get impaled on a spear, or miss them all and ride the rising platform up to the ceiling and get crushed...