WHACK!! WHACK!! The willow tree splintered in half. Kilana whirled around and addressed her beloved Zartan, "Did you see that? My whip was right on the mark and if that silly tree had been a foustine I'm sure it would have ran away howling." Zartan, her gray Persian cat, barely glanced up from his nap. "Well, Mr. Almighty, I can see your impressed. I suppose you think you could do much better." "I'm sure the mere thought of Zartan would bring fear to the mightiest foustine, Kilana." Kilana turned startled by the voice of her clan leader, Kain. "I see you have skipped your studies again in favor of abusing a willow tree with your whip." Kilana picked Zartan up from his sunny rock, placing him in her lap as she took his place. Pushing her long red braid away from her face she sighed, "I'm sorry, Kain, but I can only study the history of Monic and it's many tragedies so many times before I want to scream. I know the history, the mistakes, and about the Stone of Goth, Omni Gem and Sangora Scroll. I'm tired of words. I want to have a part in making Monic a better place." "Well, Kilana, plenty of words sure roll off your tongue. You are a very accomplished warrior, but strength without knowledge can only lead you into trouble." Kain paused and stared hard at Kilana until he was sure that he had her full attention...then he continued. "You have been raised as a member of the Reflectionist clan ever since I found you all alone at the age of four. You will always be a part of this clan and will have the powers of the clan, but maybe it is time that you take a journey and make some discoveries and some learning experiences." Startled by her leaders words Kilana let Zartan free to chase a flyhopper and stood trying to retain her excitement, "Are you saying I can go on a mission?" "Yes, on these conditions. Spartan accompanies you, you must learn something new, if you get into any trouble contact Master Shin of The Great Sentients Clan and you must take this dagger," he replied as he handed her a nine inch dagger with an emerald handle. Kilana gazed at the dagger for a moment, "I don't know what to say. Where do I go?" "You can go any where you want, Kilana. But let me tell you that I found you outside of the city of Dunnhizigyz, which is supposedly the headquarters of the Kin Shi Tal, a clan of great warriors. I have always thought that you resemble one of these warriors and your fighting skills are as great as theirs are rumored to be, but remember they are a ruthless clan. Spartan will meet you at dawn and will have your horses ready." As he walks away he turn toward Kilana and pauses briefly, "I wish you luck Kilana. Remember Monic is full of surprises and nothing is ever what is seems." He quickly walked away leaving Kilana turning the danger in her hands...