Nick Swindle sat drinking a glass of ale he had swindled away from the bartender at the Roggong Tavern. Nick was thinking about having lost the golden sword containing Sorrow's powers to Demise and Sorrow. He really wasn't concerned about them having the sword, he was just hoping that the sword would end up getting to his Kin Shi Tal contact. As long as it got there, Nick would end up getting his profit. Nick got up and left the bar. As he was leaving the bartender said, "Hope to see you back real soon Mr. Swindle." Nick smiled and left. As he was leaving the city, Nick happened to notice several Spyre members at a boat dock just outside town. He hid behind some bushes, being careful not to get his clothes dirty, and watched what was going on. It looked like they were waiting for somebody. He overheard one named Franger mention Demise's name. Nick smiled his usual gleaming smile. He could use that ship to get himself to the dojo of his Kin Shi Tal contact to make sure he gets the sword. Nick walked out into the woods where he wouldn't be seen, and began the chant for a technique that he learned from the Reflectionists when he swindled his way into their clan. His appearance slowly began to change into that of Demise. Nick looked himself over to make sure he could pass as Demise. Nick didn't look exactly like Demise, but since it was nighttime he knew the differences were minor. Nick Swindle walked up to the other Spyre members as Demise. Franger said, "Well, the fellows and I have been waiting for quite a while. I've never thought of you as having much of a flair for the dramatic, but you do enjoy a late entrance when it suits you. How are you, friend?" Nick Swindle tried to sound as much like Demise as possible, "I'm ok. I got some trouble but I'm doing fine now." Franger said, "Yes, news has been traveling like brushfire that you and Sorrow got into a spot of trouble. It doesn't sound as taxing as that ordeal a while back with Hyru, though. Anyway, we have your ship ready. I wouldn't be worried about keeping it in pristine condition. The previous owner was a little too apprehensive about giving it up. A shame we had to kill the fellow." Nick said, "It'll be good enough. As long as the leaks aren't in it." Franger said, "Nonsense. It's as good a vessel as any on the seas of Monic. Well, good sailing friend." Nick boarded the ship and left the port. He changed back to his own form once he was a safe distance from the shore. Nick smiled and aimed the ship Eastward. Nick sailed for a long while, but then encountered a violent storm. He lost control of the ship, and the next morning found himself thrown up against a beach. There were only a few pieces of his ship on the beach with him. He got up and started to look around, hoping to find out where he was.