Demise came over the hill. Sorrow was coming behind him, blood running down his arm. Franger was walking along the water's edge with a group of men. Demise yelled and the men ran to him and pulled out their swords. Franger came up and asked who he was. Demise stared with fury at his best friend, and Franger knew the look....he was in deep crap. Franger told the men to put their swords away. Franger asked what happened, and Demise said,"We were coming thought the woods and was attacked by some hell hounds. Sorrow, on instinct, tried to use magic, instead of pulling his sword. The other four with us were killed, and Sorrow wounded. Lucky for me, I got to the high ground and was able to just get a few marks on me. Now, where is the boat??" Franger told of the man that looked like Demise. Demise, now was in trouble. Spyre, his leader, had sent a man to get into the Kin Shi Tal, but Demise needed to talk to him. Franger ran to get a boat from a fisherman that had came to shore. The man swung at Franger, and Franger killed him. Franger offered to go with Demise. Demise took the offer. When they got to the city, the battle had already started. Sorrow found the men that were helping get the other man in. Demise ran up to talk to the agent. The agent was young, to young, believed Demise. Demise was telling the agent about the sword when a Kin Shi Tal warrior ran up and jumped into the group. The agent, who the warrior saw was a spy, was stabbed through the head. The Spyre warriors jumped on the Kin Shi Tal, and killed him. The only man that could go in now was Demise or Franger......