Xara pondered carefully on her next move. Her doom was closing in on her fast, yet she could do nothing. Then suddenly, a great wind was blowing all throughout the room, showering it in darkness. When it was cleared, the trap had ceased to move, and a rope was hanging out of the window. As she started to climb out, Xara noticed a note gently floating down. It read: You have been saved from your certain death. That is more than you deserve, for you refuse to live with others in the life you were born in, refusing to co-exist with those you call your inferiors. Now, war rages through the place I call my second home, all for the cause of disbelief in equality. You are to settle the matter yourself, or I swear you that you will have no life to abuse, no voice to spread your propaganda. You will cease to exist. Destroy the war between the Clan of the Twin Moons and the Shadow. You will not see the end. You will not live to see the victory of sexism towering over those who are who you look down upon. Neither will you view your life ended, everything you lived for going up in smoke, you will not live at the feet of those you persecuted. You will see only peace eternal between the Shadow and the Twin Moons, or you will not see. Signed, Atom F.