Franger was running to catch up with his traveling party just as a shadow caught his eye. After a few moments, he realized that it was a ninja. "Who are you?" Franger demanded. "My name is Chan Lao, member of the Sword's Edge. And you are Franger, agent to Hyru. I would kill you at this moment except that I pity the situation you are in." Chan Lao took a bow from his shoulder and stepped toward Franger. "I learned of Hyru's plans a short time ago. He does not know it yet, but he no longer has your wife. I set her free, and she is in a safe place." "Why are you telling me this?" Franger asked. "Because I want you to help me to kill Hyru. As we speak, he is receiving information from one of his agents. I need you to create a diversion so I can kill Hyru." "How do I know that I can trust you?" Franger asked, his voice shaky. Chan Lao shook his head. "You don't. You can, of course, continue to serve Hyru and wait for him to deliver your wife, which will never happen. Or you can help me to kill him and keep your wife safe." Franger thought for a moment and realized that Chan was right. "All right. What do you want me to do?" Minutes later, Franger was running back toward Hyru. "Master Hyru, I have urgent news!" he said, as he approached Hyru and his agent. "What IS it, you idiot?!" Hyru shouted, beginning to get aggravated by Franger. "A warrior has been sent from the Sword's Edge clan. He has learned everything about your plan!" "How do you know of this?" Hyru asked suspiciously. As Hyru questioned Franger, Chan Lao stood a short distance away from them, the mountain hiding him and his shadow. He quickly took an arrow from the quiver on his back and fitted it to his bow. Pulling back the string, he took aim at Hyru. With perfect aim toward Hyru's heart, Chan pulled back the bowstring, ready to let the arrow fly and kill the evil tyrant planning to take away his clan's purpose . . .