Nick Swindle crawled up onto the unknown beach the storm had washed him up onto. There was nothing left of his boat but planks. He looked at his torn and muddy clothes and sighed. He didn't have anything with him but a carrying pouch full of gold that he had saved during the wreck. Nick forced himself up and scanned the beach for any clues of his location. Nothing but sand and small hills. A shout came from over one of the hills. Then several more shouts and the people they belonged to came over toward Nick Swindle. Nick was startled to see a large group of savages running at him. He started to say something, but his instincts decided that it wouldn't do any good with these people. They grabbed and forcefully carried him back to a small, primitive looking village. Nick was thrown onto a large rock in front of a hut that was larger than the other, shabbier ones in the village. All around him, Nick noticed the symbol of the Blood of Gods Clan. He became increasingly scared as the savages around him chanted, "Kubra! Kubra!" Nick wondered what that meant, and if he was going to live. A man started to come out of the hut in front of him. The crowd got silent. Nick Swindle looked at the man in front of him, and smiled. The man spoke several words in an unfamiliar language, then looked down at Nick Swindle and said, "Come with me." Nick followed the man into the hut. With a smile said, "Nice to see you, dad." The man said, "You too son. I bet you thought I was dead, huh? George Swindle doesn't die that easy." Nick said, "I didn't think so. You seem to have a little pull around here, so could I get a new set of clothes. Some appropriate clothes, not the rags everybody around here is wearing." George said, "Sorry Nick." Nick said, "Dad, while I'm here I'm an ambassador for the mainland. I have to have clothes that project the right image. Anything less would be an injustice to everybody living there." George smiled, "You almost had me convinced, Nick. I taught you pretty well." Nick said, "Saw through me, huh? You're the only one I know who can swindle people better than I can. I guess that's why you set yourself up as a leader here." George yelled, "They made me the leader," his voice quieted, "I don't manipulate people like I used to. Before, I would've done anything to get that bag of gold you're carrying. But I've been living on Tanaka for quite a while now, and I've found that there are more important things than profit." Nick said, "What? Everything you accomplished before doesn't mean anything to you? I looked up to you for that." George said, "You might still live that life, but I don't. We can give you a boat to go back to the mainland. You can leave tomorrow morning. Nick agreed and talked with his father for a while longer. The next morning, Nick was startled awake by some loud screaming outside his hut. The savages appeared to be revolting against George Swindle. Several of them had him surrounded and were attacking him. George yelled, "Run Nick!" One savage came up to Nick Swindle and was yelling angrily at him and pointing to his pouch. Terrified, Nick threw the pouch down and ran toward the beach. Several savages chased him. As Nick was running he tripped on a rock and fell. Nick got back up and looked back. He was amazed that the savages hadn't caught up to him. As he was running toward the boat he tried slowing down a little. The savages seemed to slow their running as much as he did. Nick smiled and kept on toward the boat. He sailed off chuckling to himself, realizing that he had been swindled. Back at the Blood of Gods village, George Swindle added Nick's gold to the gold he had already swindled away from the villagers. George thought to himself, "Have a safe trip, Nick. There's still more profit in staying here, but I'll come back to the mainland and see you again someday."