Demise was worried as he was being taken to the leader of the Kin Shi Tal. He doesn't scare easily, but this time, there was a need for worry. He had went with the Kin Shi Tal after the battle. Franger had said he had a personal matter to handle, and Demise, who respects Franger's privacy, went in instead of Franger. For two weeks he had learned to act like a Kin Shi Tal. He sneaked into soldiers rooms at night and forcefully interrogated them, knocked them out and made them forget him being there. He still had not learned of the sword, but learned of the first spy....he was believed to be dead, but he remembered to go and search villages around here....if he lived. Demise started to think someone remembered, but then he decided he was to good to mess up. Maybe he was not in trouble. Still, Demise worried. As he came in to a large room, he saw Kinshiro. Kinshiro pulled out a sword identical to the sword that Sorrow had. Kinshiro told Demise to kneel, for he knew he was a Spyre warrior. Demise decided to take death the honorable way...fighting. He hit a guard and grabbed a sword. Before he could react with his new found weapon, he had 15 Kin Shi Tal warriors around him. Kinshiro told his warriors to back down, for he had need of the Spyre. Kinshiro said, "Hyru has taken my daughter. He is using her, for he knows I will help him to save her. I heard he was done this to all of the clans. Tell me Spyre, what is your name. I want you to help me, and I will help you. I will do anything for my daughter." Demise asked, "How did you know of me?" Kinshiro said, "I was worried when my warriors said it was an easy battle. I personally know most of the warriors that fought that night, for I have fought beside them. I didn't know you, but I knew there was a new member there that night. So I had a man watch you. Now tell me your name." Demise said, " I don't think you have heard of me, my name is Demise. I will help you for two reasons: One, I need the knowledge of the sword, and two, to attack the family of a warrior to get to the warrior is unhonorable." Kinshiro said, "I have heard of you. I heard you were a cold blooded killer. You attack villages for fun, but I hear you are honorable in your own way." Demise said, "I attack villages that openly attack my clan. I do it for the honor of my clan. It is degrading to be spat upon. I am among the most honorable men in all of Monic." Kinshiro said, "You need not prove your self to me, for I hear that you keep your word. Hear is the secret of the sword......"