AtomFlail suddenly jumped into the room, startling everyone for a moment. "I have for the last few days watched Sorrow, and he seems in no dire need of a secret to spare his life. All this while you speak of honor to you and your clan, yet you wish to gain unfair advantages in wartime's with magic. Indeed these are hard times, and the unification of us all is necessary if we are to prevail," he signed. AtomFlail could be seen at their level. "What is your business here?" Demise demanded, "There are rumors that someone is trying to manipulate us all, twisting us for his own purposes. I discovered my share of problems when war was waged against us. But now that it's been settled," Atom stopped there, interrupted by Demise, "Settled how? Nothing can just stop the rage of Twin Moons like that." "Oh, it's rather easy when both sides know that their leaders would be easy targets assassination at times of war," Atom signed. "I see. Then you are here to offer your services to us in our common effort?" "But of course. I don't know how easy it would be to rid ourselves of the plague called prejudice, and with that still intact the Twin Moons will still be a threat to everyone. Otherwise, you have the co-operation of the Shadow while there is need."