As Nick steered his boat toward shores of Seco he thought about the golden sword containing Sorrow's magical powers that Demise had taken from him. He knew that it was becoming increasingly less likely that the sword would end up making it to it's buyer, meaning it was less likely that Nick would collect his money. When Nick finally reached the shore and got out of the boat, he suddenly heard a voice, "Hey Nick." Nick, startled, said, "Wha-? Who are you?" A man walked up to him. He was wearing a mask to cover his identity, but what Nick noticed was the symbol on his arm patch, Spyre. "They've finally caught up to me," Nick thought. He was trembling, expecting the worst. The man said, "I'm nobody," and began telling Nick of a plot involving Hyru, the Spyre, the Scroll of Sangora, and him. The man then introduced himself as Jadax Firestorm and gave Nick a choice of coming with him, or dying. Nick, seeing no other choice said, "Okay, I suppose I'll come with you." Jadax looked hard at Nick and said, "Come on. We're heading North." Nick was relieved, but hid that fact from Jadax. He needed to travel North to contact his buyer, and would be looking for an opportunity to get away from this Spyre agent. They walked for most of the day. Nick tried to strike up conversation with Jadax here and there, but Jadax only became increasingly annoyed with him, threatening his life at one point. The two slept in the woods that night, with Jadax watching Nick the entire time so that he wouldn't escape. Jadax talked very little, but did tell Nick more about Hyru's plan, "Hyru started the war between the Twin Moons and the Shadow. It seems that he's trying to get some sort of keys that Shadow has. I don't know much about them, do you?" Nick said, "Of course not." Jadax said, "I don't trust you, Swindle. I think you're lying to me but I'll let it go this time." The next morning, Jadax woke Nick early and insisted that they keep moving Northward. After about an hour they heard a large group of people in the distance. Nick seemed to recognize the area, and got out a blue hooded robe that he was carrying with him and put it on. Jadax yelled, "What are you doing?" Nick thought for a second, smiled and said, "Oh. Well, I'm preparing for the eclipse. It's going to start in a few hours and last for a week, you know." Jadax looked furious, "I'm tired of you lying to me, Nick!" Jadax threw Nick against a tree and got out his sword, "I should kill you. Hyru can't use you to get the Scroll if you're dead!" Nick pointed behind Jadax, "I don't think they would like that." Jadax turned around to see 8 blue-robed monks of the Manotic Order. He attempted to fight them off, cutting one, but more came and he was soon overpowered. One of the monks came up to Nick Swindle, seeing him in the blue robe and believing he was part of the Order, "Were you harmed?" Nick said, "No, I'm fine. I . . think I just need to be alone for a minute." The monk nodded and allowed Nick to walk off. The rest brought Jadax to a large gathering of the Manotic Order. At least 150 people were there, listening to Grant Knighton give a speech. When he saw Jadax, Grant addressed the crowd, "Just as I have told you, an agent of evil is here among us. Spyre spreads evil into our villages and our castles. The very same evil that is about to take the light of the sun itself from you for an entire week." He turns to Jadax, "Since I am a man of mercy I will give you a choice. Renounce the clan of Spyre and instead embrace the truth of The Man and your life will be spared."