The great meeting hall was in an uproar. Members of Kin Shi Tal was upset that their leader was trusting an enemy warrior more then he trusted them. Kinshiro tried to stop the madness. Atom Flail and Demise were arguing for they were smart and knew that if they did start a sword fight, they could lose all deals with the Kin Shi Tal. Kinshiro said, "Atom Flail, I am going to tell Demise the Secret, because it will not be easy to get the powers back." AtomFlail started to sign angrily at Kinshiro, but then Kinshiro raised his hand. "Atom Flail", said Kinshiro, "If you don't agree with me, leave. I have no need of you, for as you can see, I have many men willing to die for me. AtomFlail walked to a door then stopped, turned and walked back to Demise. Atom Flail signed, "I don' t like you getting Sorrow's powers back, and I will kill him if you do get them back." With that Atom Flail left, knowing that if he stayed to argue, it would be his last argument. "Demise", said Kinshiro, "You have to get, what was his name, oh yes, that's it, Nick Swindle. To take your powers, he had to put three drops of his blood on the sword, one on each symbol, which he could have done at any time, so you may not have seen him do it. To get the powers the person to receive the powers must mix a small amount of blood, like some from a small cut, with the person who put the blood on in the first place, who, in this case, is Swindle, and put a drop of the mixed blood on each of the three symbols. Demise said, " So no one other then use can get the powers as long as my brother has the sword." Kinshiro said, "Yes, but you must safe guard the sword." After the meeting, Demise left to hunt both Hyru and Swindle.