Jadax looked at his surroundings. 150 people were all silent. Grant Knighton stood behind a podium. To his back, a forest. "Are you going to renounce your clan of evil, or will I be forced to kill you?" Jadax leaped at the clan leader. Grant Knighton dodged him. Jadax swung at him, and shattered the podium. He grabbed Grant and threw him into the forest. Exchanging blows, the two moved deeper into the forest. Jadax delivered such a powerful blow that Knighton was sent sprawling. Jadax leaped on top of him, and continued punching until the leader of the Manotic Order was dead. Jadax got an idea. He quickly removed Knighton's clothes and threw them on. He put the hood over his head to conceal his identity. In the short time before he killed him, he had gotten so that he could imitate Grant's voice. Several monks came in and found him. "Are you alight?" one asked. "I'm okay. The evil agent is dead." He got up to where the podium used to be, and continued the speech. "You all realize that where there is one agent of evil, there are sure to be others. We must end this evil once and for all. Therefore, we will be going on an offensive. While we are not trained well in the arts of fighting, The Man will be with us and I am sure we can defeat the evil of Spyre. Starting in one hour, we will march south and defeat any Spyre agents in the way" "Just an hour??!!??" "Why south?" "We don't know where their home base is!!!" "Silence! We must go quickly, for soon the sun will be blocked for a whole week. Brother Freyton J'Karter (Jadax picked this name up when the 8 monks caught him in the forest) You will be the leader of our offensive. That is all. Be ready, brothers! We begin in one hour!" The monks were confused, but did as they were told. Jadax went into the forest and took off Knighton's clothes. He then found his way to a road. As he walked down a road, he found his broadsword. Later, two men on horses came up. He would have killed them, but one called out, "Jadax Firestorm!" It was Demise and Sorrow. Sorrow said, "Jadax. Where's Swindle?" "Gone. Why?" "We need his blood to get my powers back." "Blood? Now that I can supply. There's some on my sword." "Alright! Can I have three drops?" Most of the blood was dry, but enough was still fresh to get three drops. "Sure. Whatever." Sorrow got the gold sword out and pricked his finger. He mixed Nick's blood with his own, and dropped it on the symbols. There was a flash, and again Sorrow was knocked out. Demise woke him up. "Are your powers back? Did it work?" Suddenly, a nearby tree caught on fire. All three smiled.