Hyru stepped into his private chamber. Some war trophies were shelved along the walls, mostly swords and broken crests from enemies he had defeated, but the centerpiece of the room was the Stone of Goth. Hyru sat down in front of the stone. His sessions had become increasingly longer and more frequent. In the past few days, he had only slept a few hours and hadn't eaten at all. Most of his soldiers were worried about him, but afraid to say anything. Hyru put his hands on the stone. He asked it to show him where Nick Swindle was. Nick Swindle sat in a small tavern in the town of Kaskia. For the past few hours he'd been enjoying the Kaskia Eclipse Party going on there. There were a lot of parties going on in Northern Oykot, but Kaskia has a reputation for throwing the best ones. Nick had taken a break from the festivities on the street and was sitting in a small pub, watching a girl he met earlier, named Shena, sing for the small audience that was gathered there. Nick wasn't paying much attention to the song, instead he was wondering where he should look next for the sword. He was trying to anticipate what Demise would have done with it, but everything was just too uncertain. Nick was so engrossed in thought he didn't notice who had come into the pub. He heard a familiar voice say, "Nick, you owe me 500 talics." Nick looked up to see Barry Smith. Nick smiled, "Barry. so, how did things go in . ." Barry interrupted, "Those bows were defective Nick. You owe me 500 talics!" Shena glanced at Nick and Barry talking, but continued with the song. Nick stood up to get at eye level with Barry. "OK, ok. You're absolutely right, Barry. I owe you that money and I'm going to pay you. Right now, in fact." Barry looked at Nick, "This isn't a trick, is it?" "Not at all. I have the money right here." Nick picked up a red cloth bag and took 500 talics out of it and handed them to Barry. Barry looked amazed, "Real money. For once you did something honest, Nick. No tricks or schemes, right?" Nick smiled, "Where could there be a trick in this? I gave you the money I owe you, it's only fair." Barry smiled. Nick said, "As long as I'm doing honest business I need some transportation." Barry said, "Well, I have a horse I'd be willing to sell . ." "Great! I'll give you all that's left," Nick emptied out the bag, "300 talics." Barry laughed, "It's a deal, Nick. It's good doing business with you. Real business, not those swindles. The horse is right outside." Nick winked and gave Barry the money before hastily leaving. After Shena finished the song, winning applause from the audience, she walked over to Barry's table, "Where did Nick go." Barry said, "I don't know. He left pretty quick." Shena nodded, then gasped when she saw the empty bag, "What happened to my money? Nick promised to watch it for me." Barry looked at the money Nick had given him, threw it on the table, and ran outside, hoping Nick would still be there. But in all directions he just saw people enjoying the eclipse party. He yelled, "Damn you again, Swindle!" Hyru watched Nick ride Westward. He already knew Nick was going in the wrong direction to find the golden sword, but in the right direction to be of help to him later. Hyru allowed the image to fade and to change into whatever else the Stone of Goth would show him. It changed into a new vision. Hyru drew back suddenly, taking his hands off of the stone. This new vision was worse than anything the stone had told him about Franger, The Shadow, or Citange. It was something that terrified him.