Demise and Sorrow were riding away from the burning tree and Sorrow was happy to have his powers back. He was so happy he cast the spell of teleport, just to cast a spell, even though the town was only a mile or so away. He cast the spell and....he was still on the road. Sorrow tried again, but still, he was on the road. He realized he had been tricked. He decided not to tell Demise, at least not right now. They got to the town, and Demise pulled Sorrow to the back of the bar when the other warriors started to order. Demise said, "What the hell is with you. You were happy when you burned the tree, but now you are living in your name." Sorrow told Demise of the trick that had been pulled. Demise slammed his fist on the wall. He was angry and went to find a woman for it had been a long mission. Sorrow went to get something to drink then he sat down alone to think. He thought long and hard about his place in Spyre. He was not truly a great warrior. His strength was in his magic. He thought of his "ace up his sleeve", but didn't know if the time was right. He should ask Demise but he decided that Demise would not want a "stupid" brother that asked if it was time to play an ace. Sorrow made up his mind. He jumped up and ran to his horse. Just then Demise had found him a "friend" and he saw Sorrow leaving and ran to talk to him. Demise asked, "Where are you going?" Sorrow said, "I have something I must do." Demise offered to send some men with Sorrow. Sorrow thought to himself that Demise believed him to be weak. He wished he could be like Demise strong willed, not afraid of anything, and a great warrior. When Sorrow refused help and rode off alone, Demise though to himself, "There goes a truly brave man."