The figures of Demise and Sorrow faded into the distance. Now there was nowhere to go. Jadax started for any nearby town, but first heard shouting in the distance. He got out his binoculars, one of the few things he still had after being taken by the Manotic Order. He saw several people in blue robes rushing towards him. "Oh yeah." He quickly raced through the forest to another road. It was deserted, as the eclipse would began in about fifteen minutes. It was already darker than normal for this time of day. Several roadside carts were still there, though no one was trying to sell the goods. Probably because the merchants lived to far away to take the extra weight with them and get home before the eclipse. Jadax took an apple from one cart and started eating it. He passed a cart with mostly small antiques, nothing really useful. There was a ring of keys, but one caught his eye. It was a copper thing, with a small red symbol on the circular part. "Why does this look familiar?" Jadax asked himself. Oh well. He took the keys with him. The sun was now almost completely hidden. ********** This is what Hyru saw. He could not believe this man. First, he led Nick Swindle away from his legions. Now he had a key which could lead to Spyre's ultimate victory. He could still be stopped, however. He left the room, a feat which had not been accomplished in over a day. He summoned one of his generals and ordered him to have Jadax killed or be killed himself. He gave him a brief description of target. "Do not worry, sir. This Jadax Firestorm will be dead in less than six hours," assured the general. "He better be." *********** Two hours later. An arrow stuck in a tree centimeters from Jadax's head. He saw his assailant, and threw his sword at him. He was dead. Then a man on a horse came charging at him, sword ready to strike. Jadax dived out of the way just in time. He ran back to the road he had started on. The horseman had trouble getting the horse through some thorns, so Jadax got some time. A bit further down he saw lights from an eclipse party in a nearby town. "If only I could get there" he thought. He had almost reached the town now. Then he realized the lights weren't from an eclipse party, but from a clash between Spyre and the Manotic Order. He got to the town and jumped through an open door. Several corpses lay here, one of a Spyre agent the rest of a family of citizens. He took the dead agents ax. The man with the horse had to dismount because the sounds of battle had spooked the creature. The assassin entered the room, and Jadax was ready to fight...