Jadax faced the assassin. He was at least six inches taller than him and much stronger. The assassin leaped at him. Jadax rolled out of the way, got up quickly, and slashed with his ax. The assassin slashed his sword at the same time cutting the handle of the ax in half. Jadax quickly kicked the sword from his hands, making them both weapon-less. They exchanged blows for about two minutes but then the assassins hands started glowing blue. Jadax recognized what he was about to do. Then he remembered something. "Maanar..." An orange glow was added to the blue. "Shalay...", Jadax said. The assassin's hands thrust forward. "Quetot..." A tongue of orange and blue fire shot forth. "Sedjralar!!!" The flames hit Jadax in the chest and knocked him over. In one motion, he jumped up and shot it right back. The assassin was struck down dead. "I'm really glad I looked at that book" he thought. Outside, the battle was basically over. Just a few skirmishes between Spyre agents and civilians which soon ended. The surviving agents started for the Spyre base, but Jadax went in the opposite direction. He soon turned west, off to nowhere in particular.