Enough time passed for Nick to build up the courage to explore the room he'd been thrown into. It was still completely dark, so Nick slowly began walking around, holding his hands in front of him. Eventually he reached a wall and found a small torch hanging there. Nick reached into his pocket and pulled out two gold coins. He struck them together a few times making enough of a spark to light the torch. Nick smiled, happy that his money was helping him even now. He looked up from the coins and jumped back as he saw the gutted corpse of a small cat hanging on the stone wall. Fearing for whatever else may be in there with him, he slowly turned around, and was surprised to see the torch illuminating the face of a young woman. She was looking sadly at the cat, then turned her eyes toward Nick, "That was my cat, Zartan." Slowly she held out her hand, "I'm Kilana of the Reflectionists." Nick smiled and shook her hand, "I'm Nick Swindle. I'm from the Reflectionists, too." Kilana returned his smile, "Nick Swindle. I've heard of you. You do missionary work for us, spreading our word to other people." Nick smiled weakly, trying to hide the fact that he had really only pretended to be a Reflectionist minister in order to learn some of their abilities, "Uhhh, yes. I was preaching in some of the . . towns around here. Do you know who captured us?" Kilana frowned, her expression turning to one of anger, "I don't know. Some group I'd never heard of before. I was on a training mission, and was suddenly attacked. They captured some other Reflectionists, too. I don't know why they want us here." Their conversation was interrupted by a door opening on the far side of the room. Two blue robed figures threw a young man into the room and quickly closed the door again. Kilana ran to the man, seeing his clothes stained with blood. She said, "Oh my god, what's happened to you!" The man looked up at Kilana and spoke weakly, "I was attacked . . while I . . while I was on a mission for my clan." Nick kneeled down next to the man, "Who are you? Are you from the Reflectionists, too?" The man looked over toward Nick, "No . . Kin Shi Tal . . My name is Enrico Rico. I was almost . . killed. Those dudes messed up my hair!!! Somehow . . somehow ended up here." Nick looked over to Kilana, who was kneeled down next to Enrico, a concerned look on her face. Out of the corner of his eye Nick noticed a small key that Enrico dropped. He discreetly picked it up and put it in his pocket. It wasn't long before several blue robed monks came into the room and forced the three out into a dimly lit courtyard. They were forced into the middle of the courtyard, a crowd of Manotic Order members standing around them. Six large wooden poles were set up there. Each with a pile of sticks and leaves underneath it. Other Reflectionists were already tied to three of the poles. Nick, Kilana, and Enrico were tied to three others. One of the men removed his hood and held up his hands as he addressed the crowd, "We are gathered here tonight in the name of The Man. Our world is in darkness because people like these live among us. People who reject The Man's truth, and instead worship the so called Overseer. We are here to purge our world of these people, especially the one with the cool hair he doesn't deserve. The Man's brilliance will shine down on us once again." The crowd began cheering as six robed monks took torches and marched toward the six victims. Nick looked down at the pile of wood and leaves below him, and then looked in fear at the monk slowly approaching.