Sorrow rode thought the night....or was it day? It didn't matter. He had to get to his boyhood home. That is where his ace was. He rode for a day and a half to get there. When he rode up, there was 4 men in blue hoods attacking the house. Sorrow leaped upon one of them with his knife, and killed him. The other three had ran into the house seconds before. Sorrow heard a scream from the house and one of the hooded men ran out with his arm on fire. Sorrow smiled, pulled out his sword, dropped his knife, and slashed the man multiple times, killing him, and ran inside. One of the hooded men jumped him, knocking him to the ground, making him drop his sword. He wished he had not dropped his knife outside. The man raised a knife, ready to strike, and then howled in pain. Sorrow saw that the man was on fire. Sorrow pushed him off, grabbed his sword and turned to see the fourth man holding a knife to a teen boys neck. Sorrow dropped the sword. Then the man yelled, as the boy stab him in the side with a knife. The man released the boy. Sorrow then leaped and gripped the handle of the knife from around the back, and ripped the knife from the man's side. The man fell, and died from the sheer shock of loosing too much blood. By this time the fourth man's arm had stopped flaming, and he jumped up and ran. Sorrow yelled, "Tell what ever clan you are from that a Spyre member kicked your ass!!!" He turned and looked at his step-cousin, who turned and walked away. He decided not to talk to Rem, but instead to talk to Sarah, his step-cousin's wife. He found Sarah, Jem, and Jeb outside. Jeb was digging a grave for the men that had died. Sarah saw him and gave Sorrow a hug. "So, Rem still hates me," asked Sorrow. Sarah gave him a smile and said, "He doesn't hate you he is just mad." Sorrow sat down and called Jem and Jeb over to join them. He said, "I have found my brother, but a man by the name of Swindle, Nick Swindle, took my powers." Sarah turned and walked away. Jeb said, "You came for me, didn't you?" Rem came up and punched Sorrow. Sarah and Rem told the children to come for they were going to stay with Sarah's family, because it was not safe there. Sorrow ran up, but Rem turned and said, "First you left the family, and now you lost the family power. You go and stay with the Spyre clan, the family doesn't need you." With this, Rem left, leaving Sorrow once again, fealing empty.