As the thunder booms not so far away, Gorgio strides toward the city he knows his prey is in. His prey this time is a rich man named Dewsar Crunkar. Gorgio was hired for this mission by a young man in a run down bar that slipped him the name on a piece of paper and half the money never speaking a word. Gorgio never asks questions or the reason, he just excepts the money, the message, and leaves. Now he finds himself at the gate knowing where his prey awaits his death. It's amazing how money talks! Gorgio slips into the shadows of the houses. He notices that some of the houses are still lit on the inside, but he knows that anyone still awake in them could not see into the darkness outside to see him. As if they could anyway! He approaches the back of the house he knows his prey is in. The lights are out and he hears nothing. Hopping the fence he freezes noticing a sleeping form in front of the door and he immediately realizes it's a dog. He slowly lowers the pack from his back not making a sound. He then pulls a poisoned dart from under his belt removing the cork from the tip, after all accidents happen. With a quick and silent throw the dog dies in its sleep never to wake again. Taking his pack he swiftly and silently moves to the dog removing the dart and replacing the cork putting it in his pack. Gorgio then moves to the side of the house opposite the side his contact said his preys room would be on the second floor. Why is it never an easy kill, Gorgio thinks to himself. Placing the pack back on the ground he slowly removes the grappling hook from it. He puts the pack back on his back and tosses the grappling hook to the roof being careful not to make a sound. He then slowly ascends the rope slowly and steady never even beginning to tire. On the roof he pulls up the rope. He then moves to the other side of the building making sure not to knock loose any shingles. Slowly he then lowers the rope so that it's just beside the window his prey is in. Making sure the grappling hook is secure he slowly climbs down the rope slipping in the window all in what looked like one fluid motion still never making a sound. Crouching inside the window Gorgio lets his eyes adjust to the darkness. In the room he sees a bureau with what he can make out as perfume bottles and the bed with a chest at the foot directly in front of him. In the bed he could make out a largely obese man covered by thick blankets. Gorgio slowly makes his way to the side of the bed. He was hoping his prey would be alone, it makes the hunt easier the bodies you leave behind to be discovered. In one motion without thinking twice Gorgio covers the man's mouth with his left hand and with the tiger claw leaves a hole where the mans throat once was. Blood poured onto the bed. Gorgio careful not to get any blood on him places a rose he pulls out of his shirt between the mans teeth. He then quickly searches the man's room finding nothing of value but a jeweled dagger in the chest among some robes. Gorgio slips out the window up the rope and down the other side the same way he got up still not making a sound. Gorgio then slips into the shadows of the night to collect the rest of his money and disappears. "The Rose" has struck again!!!