Kinshiro watched from a nearby cliff. His men were easily defeating the Manotic Order group. He turned to his Lieutenant, "I'll have to congratulate Enrico Rico. I want to speak to him and the others before we let them leave so I can find out more about what the order's doing here." Nick, Kilana, Enrico, and the three other Reflectionist members were brought to a nearby Kin Shi Tal base. They were all treated for their wounds and brought to speak to Kinshiro. Nick wondered why they weren't simply released, but decided to wait and see if there was any profit to be made here. Kinshiro greeted them as the walked into the main chamber, "Hello. First of all, thank you for completing your mission, Enrico. You helped us find where this faction of the Order was performing rituals." Enrico gave a thumbs up, "Does that mean I can go back to making gel stuff?" Kinshiro sighed, "Yes Enrico, you can go back to making gel stuff. As for the rest of you, I just want to ask you some questions about your experience with the Manotic Order. I know they only captured all of you briefly, but I want any information you have on them." After they were questioned, Nick, Kilana, and the rest of the Reflectionist members were eating dinner at the Kin Shi Tal base. Kinshiro had invited them to stay there until morning, even though morning would be as dark as night with the eclipse still going on. Enrico Rico was singing a song to entertain them, "I'm a Kin Shi Tal dude but no one knows if I can fight. I just make gel stuff day and night. Every time I do my hair I put some gel stuff on it. That's why I have the coolest hair in Monic. . . . Enrico. . . . Rico." Nick, bored with Enrico's song and wanting to look for any opportunities he could take advantage of here, decided to slip away. Kilana and the other Reflectionists were paying attention to Enrico, and Nick slipped away easily. There wasn't much in the base. He only found the kitchen and a few of the bedrooms. Finally, he came up on a locked door. He took out the key he took from Enrico while they were both captured and tried it. Nick smiled as the door swung open. Here was where the opportunity was. Weapon storage, a training room, everything he obviously wasn't supposed to see was there. Nick heard Kinshiro's voice from one of the rooms. He was talking to someone. Nick stood outside the room and listened. Kinshiro said, "I hope AtomFlail remembers our deal. If not, remind him that he won't get this back if he doesn't help." Kinshiro opened the door and he and the man he was talking to walked out. Nick hid behind the opened door until they were gone, then walked into the room. Nick smiled at what he saw, the golden sword containing Sorrow's powers. Nick took the sword, remembering how much money his contact promised him for it. Nick snuck out of the base with it, but just as he was leaving a man approached him. He looked at Nick, "I'm called Goddard. Are you Nick Swindle?" Nick looked at Goddard, a bit puzzled, "Yes." Hyru had told Goddard that Nick would be here, and exactly what to do when he found him. Goddard immediately thrust a sword through Nick's chest, missing his heart by an inch. He then took the golden sword from Nick's hand and pulled his own sword out of Nick's chest. Nick yelled and fell to the ground. He looked up, in pain and barely alive. He saw Goddard take three drops of blood from his sword and place them on the symbols on the golden sword. The sword glowed as Sorrow's magical powers were transferred into Goddard. Goddard immediately broke the sword after words and then began chanting a spell, using an ability which Sorrow had possessed, but wasn't advanced enough in his training to use (Hyru had taught Goddard using knowledge from the Stone of Goth). Even from miles away, Goddard was able to create an explosion at the Sword's Edge clan base and began using Sorrow's magic to transport the Scroll of Sangora to Hyru. Hyru watched this in the Stone of Goth. He saw the events take place as the stone said they would. Not caring whether Nick was still alive or not, Hyru watched Goddard carry out his work, and prepared to soon have the Scroll of Sangora.