Sorrow decided that he needed to let his step-cousin cool off, so he found a place to set up camp in a cave near his old house. He wondered what Demise was doing right now. *************************** Demise was back in town. There had been two raids on the town and he had lost 4 of his 15 men. He had received word that Spyre was sending more men to all of the clan's towns. The raids were made by men wearing blue robes. He had heard rumor of a new clan and it seemed these men were it. The next night there was another raid and Demise fought out of anger instead of with meaning. He spotted a man with a wrap around one of his arms so he charged him but the man ran away. **************************** Sorrow rode up to the house of Sarah's parents and Jem came right out. Jem said, "Sorrow you need to leave. If dad knew you were here, he would try to kill you." Rem came outside and grabbed an ax from the rack next to the door. Sorrow held up his hand and said, " I have come to help Jem learn the art. I have the knowledge but can't cast spells and Jem knows most low level spells. I will give him my knowledge and he will know the family art. The only thing is he will need to come with me and join Spyre." Sarah, by this time, was in the yard. She cried, turned, and walked away to mourn. Sorrow sat on the ground and prayed....for the thirteen dead members of Sarah's family that had joined clans. Two others had joined but they didn't die in the clans.