Veno Pisan of the Den of Souls sat with a group of the clan's best warriors. In front of them was a small orb. It was magically showing them an image of the Sword's Edge clan base. Veno addressed the other members, "We think it's this section in the center of the base where they're keeping the Scroll. My father wants it retrieved before the end of the eclipse." Veno prepared to explain their attack plan, but was suddenly interrupted by a loud crash. It was Citange, the only member of the Hurricane's Eye able to escape the dimensional prison the rest of his clan were trapped in. Two Den of Souls members immediately rushed at him, swords drawn. Citange simply punched both as they neared him, sending both of them to the floor with their faces "transformed" into bloody pulps. Citange dispatched the rest of the warriors with little trouble. Veno watched this, clutching his sword. He said, "The demons of war be my guides," and leaped toward Citange. He slashed with his sword, cutting an only superficial wound in Citange's arm. Citange grabbed Veno by the neck and slammed him against the wall, nearly breaking his spine. Citange said, "Where is it? Talk!" Before Veno could say a word, Citange noticed something in the Den of Souls' orb. He saw an explosion at the Sword's Edge base. Even from this far away, he sensed the powerful magic causing the explosion and dropped Veno to the ground. Veno was shocked to see Citange simply walk away. Citange's red necklace was glowing, and he was walking toward the source of the magic, unmindful of the time it would take to get there. ******************************************* Goddard smiled as the magic worked, causing the explosion in the Sword's Edge base and bringing the Scroll of Sangora to him. The Scroll descended into his hands, taking little time to be transported to the Kin Shi Tal base from the Sword's Edge base. Goddard looked at Nick Swindle, who had fallen unconscious on the ground, and left toward Hyru's base. Nick woke up hours later. He weakly looked around to see where he was, still unable to tell night from day because of the eclipse. He saw a small torch lighting the small bedroom, and noticed that his wounds had been treated, although he still hurt like hell. He then looked over to see Kilana sitting next to his bed. Kilana said, "Nick. How do you feel? You were stabbed. I . . I was so worried about you." Nick said, "I'm . . okay." He tried to sit up, but flinched with pain when he did. "You shouldn't try to overstrain yourself. You're still hurt. The ministry will be fine without you while you recover," said Kilana. Nick looked away, "Right, the ministry." The door to the room opened. Kinshiro and three of his guards walked in. Kinshiro stood at the foot of Nick's bed, looking sternly at him, "Swindle, I want to know what you were doing outside the base, who stabbed you, and why my gold sword is missing. Now." Nick swallowed, looked Kinshiro directly in the eye, and lied, "I just stepped out for some fresh air, and he just stabbed me. I don't know who or why," he smiled weakly, "And I don't even know what gold sword you're talking about." Kinshiro stared at Nick, unsure of whether to believe him. He then said, "You're not off the hook yet," and motioned for his guards to follow him out of the room. Nick looked over at Kilana, who was visibly worried. ******************************************* Citange reached the spot where the spell had been cast, but instead of finding the spell's caster only found a patch of singed grass where Goddard had been standing. Unsure of where to go next, he looked at the Kin Shi Tal base . . .