The past: Day 354, 1798 Jadax waited impatiently outside the Shadow base. Araz was in there, with a Shadow symbol on, looking for a special paper that detailed an attack against Spyre that may soon commence. Then, a stocky built man with a Shadow clan symbol on one arm came up to Jadax. Araz Firestorm. "Finally! You've only been in there two days! I thought you knew where it was!" "Shut up, Jadax." "Yeah, yeah. I know you're old etc. etc." "Shut up." "Sure I-" Jadax was cut short when several shurikans shot through the air at them. They scattered, and most went after Araz. Jadax easily disposed of the two after him, and then Araz came through, covered in shuriken wounds. "I think I'm okay." he said. "Sure, just don't look in a mirror." "I'm sure I'll make it back to base." Jadax took a shuriken stuck in a tree, and thrust it into Araz's eye. Araz suddenly dropped to the ground. "Don't count on it." ******************************************************************************** Present day: Hyru whirled around, saying, "I'll kill you Jadax Fire-what?!?" He said this because Jadax Firestorm was not here. He figured he must have had a hallucination. He turned around... and there was Jadax, sitting on a shelf, Hyru's Spyre key in hand. Hyru couldn't believe it. What was this man? He was driving Hyru insane. Hyru punched at Jadax, who leaped off the shelf and it shattered into kindling. Hyru tried again, only to receive a punch to the solar plexus. Hyru got up and shot a blue magic energy bolt, but Jadax was already gone. ******************************************************************************** Several hours southward... Jadax rode on a hi-jacked horse to the Reflectionist dojo. He had to kill his brother again. Then, a Spyre agent named Wasqual stopped him. "Now what?" Jadax asked sarcastically. "Spyre needs you." "Oh, great." ******************************************************************************** A couple hours later. Jadax enter the main hall with about forty others. Against the wall, on a throne, sat Spyre. They all lowered to one knee. Except Jadax. He just stood there. Not that Spyre was surprised. "What do you want?" asked Jadax, bored. "You are going to be a witness in our trial against Demise." "Why me?" "Because you have spent time with him and I know what you saw him do." Ten minutes later, The trial was about ready to start. Demise was ready to kill Jadax for faking he had Swindle's blood. (Even though he really did) Jadax thought to himself, "This better not take up all my time. I have to kill my brother and steal a certain three keys."