It was just past 1:00 in the morning and Rodan was sitting on a tree right outside Funji City. He was wearing his black suit as usual (he never took it off) and he was hungry. Ever sense he started turning into the other Rodan he had a craving for blood. Rodan saw what seemed to be a perfect victim right for the picking out of a building like a work-out facility. Hhhmmmm he thought food and maybe a little fight with it. Rodan jumped out of the tree and tackled what seemed to be a very well built man. The man fell to the ground but swiftly jumped back up. "What do you want!" The man shouted. " Ahhahahhahhahha!" Rodan laughed The man noticed Rodan's big green eye's and the claws poking through the black outfit he was wearing. Then Rodan clasped his fists together tightly. Suddenly a fire blast shot through the man making a huge hole in the middle of his body. As fast as he could Rodan ran over and started shoveling blood into his mouth. The mouth piece that was on his suit had flipped off during battle so there was no need to take it off. Rodan was tired after that and he decided to go back to the tree and sleep till the Shadow agent met him in the morning with his next mission.