Nick woke up. He had dozed off after Kinshiro left his room. He was still weak from his wounds. The torch had gone out, and the room was in complete darkness. Nick frowned, the eclipse had several days left and it couldn't end soon enough for him. He felt the room vibrate. He sat up in his bed, and felt the vibration again. Before he could ponder it, Kilana ran in, carrying a torch, "Nick, we have to get out of here. There's some kind of monster attacking the base." Nick quickly got up, and just as quickly yelled in pain. He looked at Kilana, "Could you help me out here?" Kilana stepped toward him, "Yes, of course." She helped Nick walk out of the room and started looking around for a way out. Nick took his hand off of his wounded chest and pointed at one of the hallways, "I think that's the way out." Kilana looked worriedly at Nick. His voice was getting weaker. She looked at him, "Hold on, Nick. We'll be out of here soon." Below, Citange was fighting the Kin Shi Tal warriors. He had already knocked down two walls and was having little trouble fighting the warriors inside. Citange slammed one of the men into a wall and held him there, "Where's the mage that cast the teleportation spell? His magic can free my fellow clansmen!" The man defiantly spit in Citange's face. Almost by reflex, Citange crushed the man's head in his fist. Kinshiro led more warriors into the futile battle, most of them being killed or at least wounded by Citange. Outside, Enrico Rico was in his hut making more gel stuff. Hearing the emergency at the clan base, he packed up as much gel stuff as he could carry and left his hut. He didn't know where he was going, but he had to get away from here. Elsewhere, Kilana helped Nick out the back door of the base. As she helped him walk she winced, still hearing the screams of the men inside fighting Citange. Nick was still groggy and in pain as she helped him onto the horse and then climbed on the horse herself. They rode East to the nearby town of Delaran. The doors on all the houses were shut, some houses even being boarded up. The residents were obviously fearful during the eclipse. Nick had fallen unconscious. Kilana dismounted and ran to a house close by. She knocked on the door. For a moment, there was no response, then an old man slowly opened the door, "Yes? Who are you?" "I'm Kilana of the Reflectionists. My friend is wounded." The old man opened the door the rest of the way, "Reflectionists? I am Talvin, a minister for the Reflectionists. Where is your friend?" Talvin helped Kilana carry Nick into the small, one room house. They laid him on the bed and Kilana looked over his wounds, refitting the bandages where needed. Nick still lay unconscious. She touched his cheek lightly with her hand, then slowly stood up, still looking at Nick. She turned toward Talvin, "I have another favor to ask of you. As soon as Nick has recovered . . . I wish to declare Bashin. I want Nick and I to be married." *************************************************************************** Goddard stood in front of Hyru, handing him the Scroll of Sangora. Hyru looked at it, seeing in it the key to his future plans. Hyru looked at Goddard, "Excellent. You did just as you were instructed. But, there's one more thing I need from you." Goddard nodded and watched as Hyru touched the Stone of Goth, silently asking it a question. Hyru then began chanting in a strange language. Goddard felt lightheaded, "What? What's going on?" The magical powers that belonged to Sorrow, then to Goddard, transferred into Hyru. He smiled, feeling the new power. Remembering a spell he saw Sorrow use, he caused Goddard to burst into flames. Goddard screamed and fell to the ground as his flesh quickly burned away. At the Kin Shi Tal base, only Kinshiro and a small group of warriors were left, but those few were still fighting bravely against Citange. Citange's necklace glowed in the same instant Hyru cast the fire spell. Citange suddenly stopped fighting and simply left. With a new sense of purpose, he started walking directly toward Hyru's base.