Demise was still chained in place. Demise looked at Spyre. Two minutes to live. Oh well he would try to save some of his honor before he died. Demise was above lying to his leader, even to save his life. "Sir," Demise said, "I will not lie. I have shown emotion on several accounts, but let me clear a few things up. First with Torgk I never showed emotion. All I said was that I believed we were given false information. As to the clams by Tou, I had talked to Ultimate-Zero just days before. He said that he needed time to himself and he didn't wish to leave the clan. I didn't stop him from leaving. Sir, is it logical to kill someone from doing something you basically said was OK to do? I don't remember if I threatened my men but if I did I was worried. Yes I showed emotion that they would run back to you and I needed sometime before I was put to trial for it and I had things to do. I had secretly infiltrated Kin Shi Tal because the agent that was going to do it was killed. When I got there I figured I might has well find the secret because it was only logical that if someone could take powers with the sword then could get them out and the enemy had the sword. I figured that if I could not get Kinshiro to give me the information I would then swallow the pill. Plus when I heard what Hyru was doing, I was mad, yes another showing of emotion. It is unhonorable to capture family and use them as bargaining chips. As to agent Franger that boat was needed on time. It was only a few hours till the agent I talked of earlier ended up infiltrating the Kin Shi Tal. I was going to tell him to find the secret of the sword but more covertly then I did." Demise realized he must have talked for more then two minutes. Spyre only looked at him and said, " I have decided that you will die. You obviously had no intention of wanting to live by using such a weak argument. All you did was admit to your guilt which is a logical thing to do but you have dishonored the name Spyre with your words. I never gave Ultimate-Zero permission to leave the clan for it is written in clan law no agent can leave Spyre for any reason. You should have killed him and you failed in your duty. As for yelling at Franger there was no call to show emotion whether it was late or not. As for getting the powers of the sword back. There was no reason to. We at Spyre have no time to waster in your personal matters, or anyone else's. Your brother is nothing to Spyre. He belongs not to this clan so you should not have disobeyed orders. I have decided also that you will be held in our holding cell pending execution. I want to make an example of you to all Spyre agents. You will be executed when all our agents have returned from there missions two days from now. Until then enjoy your last moments on Monic." And with that the trial ended and Demise was taken to his cell.... *************************** Sorrow looked up at Sarah who seemed to have something important to say to him. Sorrow looked up and said, "Why have you come way out here? It must be important." Sarah spoke quickly, "I just can't believe what has happened. The Spyre agents in a nearby town just up and left. Without even taking anything. They just took off, fast." Sorrow was puzzled as to why the agents would leave so fast. He figured it was really important so he decided to give his family a few more days to cool off while he checked out the Spyre base. Sorrow remembered Demise telling him where it was located just in case he needed to find him after he had left so quickly. Sorrow got up and said, "I am sorry Sarah but I must go see what is up with Spyre. Demise has told me a lot about them and it might have something to do with him. I am going to do see what is going on." OK was all Sarah could say. After a day or two Sorrow arrived at the base and was sneaking around listening to the guards talking. "So today is the execution," one guard said to anther standing at the side of the base. "Yeah. Spyre wants all agents to be present to see it," the other guard said. "Well Demise is getting what he deserves. I guess he found out the hard way why you should follow Spyre law," the first guard said. Sorrow was appalled. His brother was going to be executed by Spyre. "I have to see him," Sorrow thought to himself. "Where is Demise now?," the first guard asked. "I think he is in the lower level cell. At least he has a view through the window to the outside to see something before he dies." Sorrow thought for a moment and then figured he would scout around the building at a distance and see where there was a window with bars on it. That could only be the cell the guards spoke of. Sorrow looked around till he saw what he was looking for. Sorrow slowly crept down till he was outside of it and looked in. Sorrow was relieved to see that he had picked the right one and then whispered to Demise, "Demise....Demise. It's me, Sorrow." Demise looked up from the cot he was sitting on and got up when he saw it was indeed Sorrow. "Hey. How did you know?" "Long story. How did you get into this?," Sorrow asked. "Well I don't know. I guess I just wasn't cut out for the life of a Spyre agent. But no turning back now," Demise said. "Well good luck. I guess I will see you later." "What??? Aren't you going to get me out?," Demise said surprised. "I can't get you out. Remember? I have no powers. There is no way I could get past the Spyre guards. I just came to say goodbye and to see what was going on with Spyre. Now that I have found out there is no reason for me to stay." "No reason!!!!??? Goodbye?," Demise said. "Well you never said goodbye to me when I was sold into slavery! Don't throw anything up in my face! See you," were Sorrow's last words. Oh no you don't, Demise thought to himself. I am getting out of here. Demise quickly formulated a plan and then yelled, "Hey I am free!!!! No Spyre cell can hold Demise!!!!!" Demise then quickly pulled the black sheet off of his cot, put the sheet on himself, and then slide underneath the cot. The guard spun around to see the empty cell with no Demise and quickly unlocked it and went inside to look around. The guard was about to look under the bed when he noticed Sorrow walking away from the cell window. "What? How did Demise get out. No matter. I will get him," the guard said and ran from the cell leaving the door open. The guard ran outside and gathered more guards for the pursuit of the man they believed to be Demise. Meanwhile the real Demise got out from under his cot and then left the cell. Demise then found his way into an empty room and jumped out the window. He quickly ran into the forest free!!! "Hah. That will teach Sorrow. I never liked him anyway. Thanks for the distraction!," Demise said, "Now Sorrow has finally been put to good use. Spyre will kill him instead of me and my troubles with Spyre will be over. HA HA HAHA HA!! The only question is now what do I do?" Back at the base Sorrow was quickly taken by the Spyre agents and began screaming, "I am not Demise you fools! I am Sorrow! I have nothing to do with this clan!! Release me!" "Sure. That is just what Demise would say. Well if you are Demise's mage brother prove it!," a guard said. "I can't. I don't have my powers you idiot!!!" "Well how convenient," the guard said. Sorrow was quickly taken to a different cell with no bars, no windows, and no hope for escape. The whole cell was stone with a metal door. Sorrow cursed Demise and wished him dead. After a day Sorrow was taken in chains to a large courtyard. Sorrow was put into the center and then Spyre approached him. Sorrow looked around and could see thousands of agents gathered around the courtyard to witness this event. Sorrow just bowed his head and hoped for a quick death. Unfortunately for him he was not so lucky. Spyre held up a small vial of a drug he called Kasuru and carefully poured all of it on Sorrow and then stepped away. The yellow liquid absorbed into Sorrow's skin giving off yellow smoke and then was gone. Sorrow looked up and said, "Is that all? Hah. It didn't do anything to me....." Suddenly Sorrow's voice began to crack, his hair grew long and gray, his body became weak and started to sag, he got wrinkles all over his body, and his began to lose his teeth. "What'," Sorrow moaned, "NooooooooooOOOOOOOOO!!" Then Sorrow's voice broke up all together and he fell to the ground with a crunch. He looked out of his tired and glazed eyes and began to decay, very slowly. The other Spyre agents watched and some turned away. Spyre only marveled at the great pain Sorrow was feeling and how well his drug worked. Spyre then looked up and said, "He will be left here to rot and die!! He will not be buried as a reminder to all until his very ashes have blown away. That will be all!! You are all allowed to go back to your missions and training. With that Sorrow's life.....had ended.