Jadax walked out of the courtroom and ran into the forest. What a needless waste of time. It was obvious he was guilty. What kind of "supreme evil dictator" holds trials anyway? Jadax went south, so he could start Phase 1 of his final victory. He had to visit a man named Lee Lonnn. ******************************************************************************** "And that's all I know, sir." Araz just finished telling Panther the secrets of the Spyre clan. "Amazing." That was all Panther could say. Besides acknowledging Araz's request for his first mission. ******************************************************************************** "Ah, so Araz has turned against Jadax. Ha Ha Ha. Perfect." Hyru kicked away the skeleton of Goddard so he could get to the next room. He had only been pretending that Jadax could get the drop on him. And the Stone of Goth once gave him a hazy prediction saying a former friend would be the falling of a future enemy. Future, because he hadn't yet met Jadax at the time. But that didn't matter. It was not long before he would never worry about Jadax Firestorm again. ******************************************************************************** Araz crept through the forest, following Jadax. There was a ruckus back at the Spyre base, but he paid no attention to it. Soon he found two men, one sleeping in a tree, the other standing at the bottom of it. He knew one was Jadax. He leapt at the standing one first. He slashed at him with a sword, then saw it was Demise. "What are you doing?" Asked Demise. If Araz were still with Spyre, Demise would be dead. Instead, he stuck his sword through his arm and stuck it to the tree. This shook it a bit, and Jadax fell out of the tree, landing on Araz. Jadax ran away not stopping to see who broke his fall. "Next time, Jadax." ******************************************************************************** On the day of Sorrow's death, Jadax was sailing southward, around the southern end of the planet. He planned to go all the way around and land at Hakido. Soon, Lee Lonnn would help him get the Omni Gem. Whether he wanted to or not.