Talvin was treating Nick's wounds when he woke up. The sting of the alcohol Talvin was applying to prevent infection had awakened Nick, "Ouch. Where am I?" Talvin looked over at him, "Don't move. You're hurt. You've been asleep for nearly 24 hours." Nick looked over at the window and frowned, still dark as night outside. Talvin brought Nick some food and water. It didn't look very appetizing, but Nick was hungry enough that he ate it anyway. Talvin picked up a broom and started sweeping his house while Nick ate. Nick watched Talvin sweep for a minute, then started looking around the house. It seemed like a simple place. A wooden table, a small fireplace with a heavy metallic pot over it for cooking, a few windows, then something that caught Nick's eye. On the far side of the house there was a small bag, partially opened. From his bed Nick was just able to spot some gold coins, and decided then that he would get those coins. Later, Talvin left. Nick saw his opportunity and started to get up, but just then Kilana walked in. Nick laid back down again. Kilana walked slowly toward Nick's bed, stopping right in front of him and kneeling down, "How's your recovery going?" Nick smiled, finding that Kilana did actually offer him a little comfort, "Just fine," then he looked back over at the gold coins, wanting Kilana out of the room. To his dismay, she stayed, moving even closer to the bed, "I'm glad to hear that. Talvin went to get some firewood. He'll be gone for at least an hour." Nick was still looking past her, at the gold coins on the table across the room. Kilana, undaunted by his disinterest, climbed onto the bed and began slowly loosening one of the straps on her outfit, "There's something I want to do for you, if you feel up to it." Nick looked at the woman sitting above him, his thoughts turning away from the gold coins. Seeing his uncertainty, Kilana loosened both of her shoulder straps, letting the top of her outfit fall away. She leaned down to kiss him, and he returned the kiss, pulling her closer to him. ******************************************************************* Later, Talvin returned to the house. Kilana had gotten dressed and was sitting in a chair near Nick's bed, a smile on her face. As Talvin came in Kilana said, "Talvin. I'm ready to declare Bashin." Nick was shocked and sat up, "What? You didn't tell me you . . ." Kilana turned toward Nick, "I thought you were ready for this, Reflectionist law states that if two people sleep together they have to be married." Nick suddenly wished he had read Reflectionist Law more carefully when he swindled his way into the clan, "Well, I suppose I . ." Kilana quickly sat down on the bed and enthusiastically took his arm, "We're ready, Talvin." Nick looked around, his mind frantically searching for a way out of the situation.