Plum could feel the warm sun on her face. She smiled and sat up in here warm bed. She stretched and yawned. Another glorious day. She walked out of bed and into the kitchen of the small house. Tiouchi, her room-mate, was still sound asleep. Plum started a fire going and put a pot full of water on the fire. She started to put in various vegetables and spices. It was a soup she prepared every morning. It made you feel energetic and good for those lazy days. Harmony taught her how to make it when she lived in the church. Tiouchi, smelling the soup, woke up and stumbled into the kitchen. "Good morning sleepy head." Plum said with a smile. He just grunted in reply. "I'm going to go hunt delant (similar to deer) after breakfast. We could use the meat and we are running low on money." Plum told him. "What does an animal do with money? And I thought you hated hunting." "I do," Plum replied, "but delant is easy to hunt and I can use my skill at using the bow. Besides there are too many delant in this part of Monic, they eat everyone's flowers." Plum paused and continued, "I will sell the delant skin and antlers to Onhi the Butcher, she pays good money for them." With that Plum went into her room. Dressed in a brown dress, and got her bow and arrows. As she walked into the forest something seemed odd. The day was sunny when she woke up, but now it was dark and foggy. She knew the woods like the back of her hand, so the weather wasn't a problem. She didn't have to walk far when she could see a delant. WHISH! went the arrow, and the delant fell to the ground. When Plum was picking up the delant she heard a twig snap behind her...she knew someone was there, but pretended she didn't hear it. She slowly turned around and searched the woods, she did not see any sign of life. As she started to head back she heard foot steps behind her. She snapped back and saw a person wearing a black robe that covered their face. The person reached out to her, and she saw a gold ring on his hand, he touched her arm. Plum fell to the ground. She felt cold, then numb, then cold again. She felt herself being dragged...but she couldn't see anything, it felt like she was sleeping yet she was awake. It was hard to explain. She heard people talking then something touch her head...then she went out cold.